Soft Toy Hospital 2
Ambrosia has been working so hard and helping so many teddies and soft toy friends, that the first page nearly exploded! The only option was to make a new page, and here it is. There are lots of treatments that your furry friends can enjoy, so please just get in touch if you would like your teddy or animal friend to have a bit of a make-over.

Full Re-covering
Ambrosia and her friends were delighted when a fantastic bear called Joe arrived at Ambrosia Place. From the moment they opened his parcel, they knew he was a bear with quite a lot of character! While they worked on him, Joe told the bears tales of his adventures and actually confessed to Ambrosia how he'd almost managed to lose his arms....The Ambrosia bears made Joe's arms better and then covered him completely in some new fabric. He looked absolutely fantastic once they'd finished.

Complete Restoration
When poor Bubbles arrived, the bears could not believe their eyes. He was absolutely filthy and literally falling to pieces. His head and arms were almost completely off, and he had no back to speak of! Hi seyes were so scrtahced that he could hardly see, and his nose and muzzle had simply disintegrated. But Ambrosia never gives up. Bubbles was thoroughly washed, and then Ambrosia reconstructed him and filled him with lovely clean clouds. Bubbles was partially covered in the softest cuddle fleece and the worst of his bald patches vanished.

Wash and Restuff
Sometimes, the best things in life are the simplest. Gordon bear popped along to Ambrosia Place for the most requested of all the spa treatments: a bubble bath, new clouds and a really good brush. He splashed around in the huge bubbly bath for absolutely ages and there were suds absolutely everywhere! When he was lovely and dry, Ambrosia filled him with lovely new clouds.

Complete Re-covering
Poor Pinkie had been loved so much that she was literally falling to pieces and there wasn't much of her left. All of her original fur had vanished from thousands of cuddles, her stuffing was starting to fallout, and her face had literally vanished. The bears gave Pinkie another cuddle and then set to work. Ambrosia worked the real magic, and totally covered Pinkie in the wonderful material that Pinkie's owner had supplied. With new eyes and a new nose to be kissed, Pinkie looked absolutely amazing!

Complete Restoration
When poor Cuddly arrived, there was hardly anything left; he was quite literally falling to pieces! The bears gave him a careful hug and set to work. Following photos supplied by Cuddly's owner, the bear friends reconstructed him and then covered him in material supplied by his owner. It was as if time had been turned back, and Cuddly looked brand new! He was absolutely delighted!

Complete Re-covering
When Dillon Bear arrived, he was in a right state. His material was literally disintegrating as it was touched, and there was considerable danger that he would fall to bits. Ambrosia decided it was an all-or-nothing situation, found some honey-coloured fur and got to work. Dillon soon looked marvellous!

Poor Monkey felt pretty bad when he arrived at Ambrosia Place and was literally falling to pieces. The bears gave him a wash and filled him with fresh clouds, and then set about giving him new ears and a completely new face. A banana topped off his new look!

Complete Restoration
Poor Honey bear was quite literally falling to pieces when she arrived at Ambrosia Place. Her stuffing was also coming out, her eyes were scratched and she was absolutely filthy. The bears removed all of her old stuffing and gave her a very long play in the bubble tub. Then Ambrosia re-stitched every single one of her seams with the strongest thread she could find. Honey was then filled with fresh clouds and given sparkly new eyes.

Ellie was possibly the filthiest toy they had ever seen! He'd also managed to lose an eye, and had a big hole in his left ear and his right thigh. First, they emptied Eli of his degrading foam and gave him the longest bubble bath in the history of washing! Then he was filled with the cleanest, freshest clouds. Ambrosia repaired his damaged eye socket and then added a new eye.

General Repair
Poor Scottie had been loved and cuddled so much that his clothes were falling to pieces. The bears showed him the delights of the bubble-tub and he was then filled with fresh clouds, brushed to soften and open his fur, and given a sweet new nose. Ambrosia herself covered Scottie's old dungarees and made him a new hat.

When poor Miss Teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place, she was in a dreadful state! She was absolutely filthy and had been loved practically to bits; she'd been repaired so many times over the years that she was getting rather desperate. She had an absolutely wonderful time playing in the bubbly tub. The bears made her a totally new body and filled her with fresh clouds. Ambrosia then had one of her sweet ideas so she started making Miss Teddy new clothes.

Full Restoration
Dog was filthy and falling to pieces when he turned up, and his face was an asbsolute mess. After his bubble bath and cloud fill, the bears made him a bnew right ear, and a new face. He felt wonderful afterwards!

Complete Restoration
Poor Cuddles was literally in tatters and she was scared she would fade away entirely if something were not done. The bears gave her a hug and then set to work. They gave her a bath, filled her with clouds and then reconstructed her head. Parts of Cuddles required re-covering, and her owners had sent along some beautiful satin to be used for her heart, and to seal the base of her dress. She looked absolutely beautiful again very soon!

Pengy came for a full make-over. He splashed around in the bubble-tub and was then filled with fesh clouds. His scratched eyes were replaced with ice crystals, and Ambrosia made him a sweet new beak, all ready to be kissed. He DID feel grand when he saw himself in the mirror afterwards.

Poor Greyfriar's Bobby had been savagely attacked by a naughty dog and his face was a complete mess. The bears brought him in and gave him a cuddle. Ambrosia managed to find an exact material match and then she mended his face and replaced his original nose. A final brush, and Bobby felt, and looked, as good as new!

Wash and Restuff
The following three toys are friends who had been living on the top of a wardrobe and were incredibly dirty. The bears removed all of his old stuffing, gave him a long play in the huge bubble tub and then brushed him until his fur was lovely and soft. Then he was filled with lovely fresh clouds, and a few ripped seams were secured. Two new nostrils and a satin bow later, hippo was feeling on top of the world!

Wash and Restuff
Big Blue Ted was the next one of the trio. He was stuffed with degrading foam, which is the worst of all stuffings to remove! Ted was absolutely filthy and had several split seams, too. The bears all gave a paw with removing the foam and then Big Ted had a really long play in the bubble tub; there was soap absolutely everywhere! Big Blue Ted looked extremely handsome after his spa treatment.

Wash, Restuff and New Ear
Rabbit was the last of the group to go for the usual treatment. However, Rabbit had also managed to lose an ear along the way! Once Rabbit's old stuffing was removed, he splashed around for absolutely ages in the bubbly tub, just like his friends. After he'd been filled with brand new clouds, the bears all helped to make him a new ear.

General Repair
Snoopy felt pretty bad when he arrived and just hoped the bears would be able to help. He was washed, restuffed, and Ambrosia herself fixed his poor ears, while her bear friends made Snoopy new facial features. He felt great afterwards!

Odds and Ends
Harold the Dog came to Ambrosia Place for a bit of help! His arms were literally disintegrating and he didn't feel sweet in the slighterst. The bears all gave him a hug and then set to work. They found some new blue gingham which was an exact match to his original material and carefully re-covered his arms, leaving all of old Harold underneath. Because his arms now looked so smart, Harold asked if the bears could please give him some matching pockets; they thought this was a splendid idea and did that, too. Harold looked and felt absolutely fantastic again!

Dog Attack Repair
Ambrosia and her bear friends have helped so many dog attack victims that they've lost count.Elly had lost his eyes, he had ripped seams and some of his fur had been ripped off. Elly had a fabulous time in the huge bubbly bath, and was soon feeling lovely and fresh again. His poor eye-sockets were reinfoirced, and then she found him some beautiful blue eyes.

Complete Re-covering
It's always a pleasure when famous animal friends come to stay at Ambrosia Place, so the bears were delighted to welcome Benjamin! He had been loved so much that the mesh of the material from which he was nmade was all that was actually left of him. It was decided that a conplete re-cover would be the best thing! All of Benjamin's old stuffing was rmeoved and he was given a lovely wash in the huge bubble bath. Then he was filled with fresh clouds. Ambrosia herself then covered him completely in lovely soft fleece. His hat, bow and handkerchief were replaced as before and he was soon ready to be loved again. He felt absolutely fantastic and was chuffed to bits when he saw himself in the mirror!

Complete Restoration
The amazingly named Fat Bear was still fat but falling to pieces, so a complete overhaul was necessary. After being washed and restuffed, he was conpletely re-covered in luxury fake fur. He looked and felt extremely fat again, and very happy!

David was quite literally falling to pieces when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. His head was hanging off, his legs had burst at the seams and he felt dreadful. Ambrosia used his current material to re-make his trousers and she soon had him all back in one piece.

Wash and Restuff
The bears love it when famous friends come to stay, and they were delighted when Pooh knocked at the door. He was absolutely filthy and his stuffing was in a really bad way. Pooh chose the luxury Bubble-Bath and Cloud-Fill, and felt glorious afterwards!

General Repair
Poor Lucy mouse wasn't feeling herbest when she arrived. Her eyes and nose were scratched, she was dirty and she'd managed to lose her left arm! The bears set to work, and soon Lucy sported new eyes, nose and arm. The bubbly bath treatment also worked wonders in turning back time!

Genereal Repair
Woofie's ear had been kissed and sucked so much that it had vanished. He was also feeling a bit grubby and very floppy. A lot of worklater, and Woofie had a lovely new ear, he'd been washed and restuffed, and he decided that his grain filling would be lovely re-sceneted with lavender oil!

Was, Restuff and Covering
Chip the doll was filthy and falling to bits. After he bubble bath and cloud fill, she was completely covered in new material. Ambrosia even made her a pinafore. She looked absolutely gorgeous after her treatment and swirled around in her new clothes.

Wash and Restuff
Hobbes the tiger arrived feeling rather flat. He'd also managed to lose his stripes along the way! He had a fantastic time in the huge bubble bath and was then brushed and filled with fresh cluds. Ambrosia gave him some new strips and a personalised satin ribbon. He felt wonderful again!

Wash and Restuff
When Welephant arrived, he was very dirty and very flat. AFter his bubble bath, it was discovered that he was made of different coloured bits of pastel cotton! He felt, looked and smelt all fresh again. A personlaised ribbon added the final touch.

Full Re-cover
Ethel had been loved so much that her outer skin was starting to degrade. Her friends sent some gorgeous material, and Ambrosia and her bear friends covered Ethel completely. She felt so soft and cuddly afterwards!

Dog arrived at Ambrosia Place is a right mess. He was absolutely filthy and falling to pieces - quite literally! He was given the usual bubblebath and cloud treatment, and then a new mouth!

Poor teddy was in a right old state hwne he arrived. He was filthy, floppy, ripped and balding from too many kisses. Ambrosia gave him a lovely bath and then filled him with fresh clouds. She then patched his bald areas, and he was soon looking, smelling and feeling much better!

Poor Miss Teddy had been loved so much that she was starting to fall to pieces; she was also extremely dirty! She had a wonderful time splashing round in the bubble tub and , when she was dry, the bears fille dher with fresh clouds. Ambrosia found some soft fleece to cover her worn nose and used the same material to give Miss Teddy a lovely new jumpsuit. Matching bib and slipers completed Miss Teddy's new look. She felt absolutely wonderful when she saw herself in the mirror afterwards!

Wash and Restuff
Eddie the bear arrived at Ambrosia Place allset for the mnost popular spa treatment: the bubble bath, brush and cloud fill! He also decided to have some nose work undertaken and went for some new eyes to finish off his brand new look!

Wash and Restuff
Snowy Bear didn't feel like his name was right when he came to stay, but he just needed the most popular spa treatment: a wash, really good brush, and re-stuffing with fresh clouds. He felt even more special when the bears presented him with a personalised satin ribbon! He looked and felt fantasttic again!

Wash and Restuff
As always, the bears wwre delighted when a diffeent animal friend came ot stay at Ambrosia Place. RaRa the bunny was in need of the most popular spa treamtent: a bubble bath and brush! RaRa's right leg was also hanging by a thread and her bottom seam was split, so these needed to be fixed, too. RaRa loved her splash in the huge bubbly bath, and, when she'd been brushed, her fur was a as soft as a cloud! She felt really lovely when she saw herelf in the mnirror!

General Repair
This gorgeous little rabbit came to Ambrosia Place for a bit of help. She was feeling very grubby and flat, and her poor nose had been kissed so much that it had literally disintegrated. The bears gave her a lovely bubble bath and filled her with fresh clouds. Her fur was brushed until she was wonderful and soft. Then they gave her a new nose that just begged to be kissed! Rabbit felt really lovely following her treatment and was all ready for he rnose to be kissed again!

Wash and Restuff
The bears were absolutely delighted when a stunning panda came to stay at Ambrosia Place. Tian Tian was feeling very floppy and her poor nose had been kissed so much that it was wearing very thin indeed. Tian Tian had the most wonderful play in the huge bubble tub and, when she was lovely and dry, the bears took it in turns to give her beautiful coat a good brush. She was then filled with brand new clouds. Ambrosia herself took especial care with Tian Tian's nose, and covered it with soft fleece, all ready to be kissed once more.

Wash and Restuff
Poor teddy was full of degraded foam and was also quite dirty. The bears decided that the best thing was to get rid of the foam - which is quite literally toxic - treat teddy to a bubbly splash in the huge bath tub, and thgen fill him with sweet clouds. His fur was brushed until he felt his old handsome self. Doesn't he look grand?

Wash and Restuff
Sometimes, all that's required is a bubble bath and some fresh clouds. This poor teddy was filled with degraded foam and he felt absolutely awful. The bears removed it and washed him until he sparkled. His fur was brushed until it was soft and fluffy, and then he was filled with clean clouds. He did feel wonderful afterwards!

General Repair
The bears were delighted when Jemima Puddleduch came to stay at Ambrosia Place. She'd had a spot of bother in a washing machine, and her beak was in tatters. The covering on her feet was also ripped, and her pretty ribbon was shredded. The bears set to work straight away and, before Jemima knew what was happening, her beak had been reconstructed and completely re-covered, her feet had been re-covered and she had a brand new satin ribbon for her bonnet.

Restuff and General Repair
Poor William Rabbit had lost all of the stuffing in his arms and legs due to an extremely unfortunate accident, and had several split seams. The bears soon had him all filled out nicely again! Ambrosia herself stitched up the splits and gave Wiliam a brush and a handsome new bow. He did feel so much better following his treatment at Ambrosia Place!