Welcome to Ambrosia Bears!
Thank you coming to take a look at Ambrosia Bears, a hospital for vintage and antique bears, and modern soft toys.

Bear Restoration and Soft Toy Repair
Do you have old teddy bear that you adore and would like to help? Ambrosia would love to give you vintage or antique bear - be he or she a Steiff, Chiltern, Chad Valley or Merry-thought - a bit of love and a little make-over. Ambrosia can do the tiniest things, such as add a new eye, or huge things, such as restore a teddy completely. New growlers and pads are no problem; she can also do simple things like re-attach ears, or undertake more serious repairs such as re-jointing a head or arm that has come off! She always does he very best to retain as much of the original teddy's character as possible; after all, that's why we love them! All restorations are undertaken an sympathetically as possible to remioan in keeping wiht your teddy's personaility and special bear history. Please have a look at the bears in the vintage and soft toy hospitals.
Many of Ambrosia's helper friends are bears that she rescued and then restored. They loved Ambrosia Place so much that they decided to stay and help out! Ambrosia herself has rather a soft spot for Chilterns and has rescued many off the internet to restore. Here is Isabella. She loves living at Ambrosia Place and is never far away from Ambrosia.

Is there a special person in mind for whom you'd like Ambrosia to create a special bear or toy? Ambrosia has been asked to make many wonderful friends for peole, ranging from traditional teddies, to puppies, to dinosaurs and even a sloth, who insisted on being in the photo here! If you've lost an old teddy and would like a replica, or you'd simply like something completely different, then Ambrosia would be more than happy to help, as she loves creating things. However, Ambrosia will not work with any materials - such as leather, real fur, skin , bone or feathers - that come from animal corpses. Please bear in mind, should you want a commissioned toy, that you will need to supply the pattern and material. Why not have a look at the wonderful creations on the commissions page?