Ambrosia's Soft Toy Hospital
Everyone loves soft toys and, because they are loved so much, they very frequently need to be repaired or restored. Ambrosia and her bears are willing to help ANY soft toy as there is always something that can be done. If you are thinking of sending a beloved soft toy to Ambrosia's hospital, please take a look at all of the creatures she and her helpers have managed to make feel an awful lot better! Ambrosia has had friends come to her in England from all over the world: Canada, France, the Channel Islands, USA, Abu Dhabi, Malta, Saudi Arabia and New Zealand! She is willing to try to mend ANY well-loved soft toy, because there is always something that can be done. Should you want to help a toy you love, please bear these things in mind before you contact Ambrosia:
* the soft toy will probably need to stay with Ambrosia at the hospital for anything from a few days to a week or so. Consequently, if a child is unable to sleep without their toy for a night or so, Ambrosia will not be able to help.
* Ambrosia is not a mechanic, so please be aware that she is unable to fit or fix complicated mechanisms that may work eyes etc. Also, Ambrosia can only work with toys that have a material structure; anything with a solid shell is beyond her healing skills!
* the medicines that Ambrosia uses are very expensive, and the time it takes to make them work can take many hours. The minimum time taken will be two hours just to fix paws; larger injuries can take several hours and even days. Hence, Ambrosia starts her medicine prices at £25 (please have a look at the Price Guide by clicking here), and, if you need to post your teddy, you will be responsible for the cost of the travel here and then back to you again.
* should the above be satisfactory, please feel free to send Ambrosia photos. When you post your bear or toy to the hospital.
* please note that Ambrosia is unable under any circumstances, due to ethical reasons, to work with real fur, leather, sheepskin, bone or any other slaughter by-products. If bears or toys requiring medical attention are wearing any such products, please ensure they are removed before sending them to Ambrosia; it makes her extremely upset if she is confronted by such things.
* if, for whatever reason, you decide that you do not want your bear or toy back following a repair, or the cost of the medicine is not forthcoming, Ambrosia will wait one month and then either put the bear or toy up for adoption on ebay, or take him or her to a charity shop so that they can stand a chance of finding a forever home.
Treatments Available
As with the vintage side of the hospital, the soft toy section has common issues! Most of the patients comes for a lovely bubble bath and fresh clouds; this plumps them up and makes them all cuddly again. There are also numerous toys and bears who have been savaged by naught dogs; Ambrosia does her best to put these back together! Many toys have also been loved so much that their original material is completely wearing away. Ambrosia solves this by re-covering them completely whilst leaving as much of the original toy or bear underneath as possible.

This poor dog arrived at Ambrosia Place with his botom comnpletely burned! He felt extremely uncomfortable. Ambrosia removed all of his stuffing which smelled of smoke and took away the hard areas. He was washed, filled with lovely fresh clouds, and his poorly bototm was patched with lovely soft material. He felt so much better afterwards!

Dog Attack
Ambrosia is inundated by dog attacks, and the victims alwasy seem to suffer the same fate: their heads or faces have been ripped to pieces! Poor Rudolph just didn't know what to do with himself. Ambrosia gave him a lovely wash to get rid of the sticky dog-slobber and filled him with fresh clouds. The she set about making him a brand new head complete with antlers. Rudolph was quite stunned when he saw himself in the mirror afterwards, and vowed never to go near a dog ever again!

Dog Attack
And another victim of an over-enthusiastic dog came to stay at Ambrosia Place. Poor bear had his face totally savaged and all of his head stuffing had vanished. He was washed in the huge bath tub, restuffedwith lovely fresh clouds, and his poor face completely reconstructed. He finally had his eyes and nose back and he felt lovely afterwards!

Lost Limb
Sometimes an arm just falls off! Poor teddy realy didn't know how to deal with the situation and came along to Ambrosia Place. The bears gave him a cuddle and then Ambrosia re-jointed teddy's arm. He heaved a sigh of relief!

Wash and Restuff
Doggy had been loved and cuddled so much that she was feeling extremely grubby and very flat indeed! Ambrosia gave her an amazing bubble bath and then filled her with fresh clouds. A brush brought her up coat and she was as soft as a cloud again.

This teddy had been so loved he was a shadow of his former self. Ambrosia and her friends gave him a bubble bath, filled him with fresh clouds, and basically brought back his face. Isn't he handsome?

Partial Re-covering
Sometimes teddies are so loved and cuddled that they start to lose their fur. Teddy was also feeling very dirty and grubby, so, prior to being given a new fur where necessary, teddy was covered in bubbles in the bath and restuf ed with brand new clouds. Ambrosia then covered up his bald bits with the softest material that she could find.

Dog Attack
And a poor tiger suffered from another naughty dog! He was ripped to bits and had lost a lot of his stuffing. His poor owner had almost given up hope. But Ambrosia never gives up: she worked and worked until she eventually managed to put all the bits back together. Tiger was also given a bubble bath to remove any residual dog-slobber!

New Clothes
The bears love it when other animal friends come to stay at Ambrosia Place. This gorgeous little cow needed some new clothes, so Ambrosia found the prettiest material that she could. Doesn't she look beautiful in her new dress?

Dog Attack
This poor teddy came over all the way from Canada to receive treatment. Dogs are naughty over there, too, and his face had totally vanished as a result of the savaging. Ambrosia mended his poorly face and gave him new eyes and a nose. She also gave him a growl in the hope that teddy would be able to use it to scare away any dogs in the future.

Wash, Restuff and Patches
And a very loved teddy was treated to a bubble bath, fresh clouds, and sweet new patches. He did feel rather splendid afterwards!

Wash and Restuff
Sometimes, all that's need to give you a new lease of life is a bubble bath and some new stuffing! Poor doggy felt terribly flat and dirty before his stay at Ambrosia Place. He thoroughly enjoyed being covered in bubbles and he laughed when he was filled with new clouds.

Wash and Restuff
The bears really couldn't believe their eyes when they saw how filthy this teddy was - and he'd just been loved anbd cuddled! All of his dirty stuffing was removed, and he was given the biggets bubble bath of his life. When he was all dry, Ambrosia filled his with beautiful clean clouds. He felt absolutely wonderful and wanted to stay this clean for ever!

Wash, Restuff and Partial Re-covering
Oh dear! Poor panda's insides were falling out and he felt extremely uncomfortable. Ambrosia gave him a bubble bath, restuffed him with fresh clouds, and then gave him a nice, new tummy. He felt som much better afterwards.

Dog Attack
And yet another dog attack! Teddy is in absolute bits, quite literally,g. and had almost lost both of his legs, as well as most of his stuffing. Ambrosia rushed to make him feel lovely again. He was given a bath, filled with new clouds, and it was decided that teddy could be a pirate: he'd have some pirate trousers complete with a buckle! He was all set for new adventures.

Ambrosia was absolutely delighted with how this restoration turned out. Golly's original clothes were grubby and ripped, and his face wasn't as happy as it could be. Ambrosia thoroughly enjoyed giving him a new jacket and trousers; his new hair was lovely and soft, and his facial features were now all fresh and bright. His hands were re-covered so they were nice and bright once more. He felt absolutely fantastic when he saw himself!

Wash & Restuff
Sometimes, all you need to feel yourself again is a bath and some fresh stuffing! Tiger arrived at Ambrosia Place absolutely filthy and feeling extremely flat. He looked incredibly handsome afterwards.

Wash and Restuff
Ambrosia loves it when other animal friends come to stay with her for a treatment. Turtle felt lovely once she'd had a bubble bath and fresh clouds.

Wash and Restuff
The miracles of water and lots of bubbles make the world of difference to a poor, flat teddy! He arrived feeling extremely sad and grubby and left feeling a million dollars.

Wash and Restuff
When you're feeling a bit flat, a bath and cloud- fill is just the ticket!

Poor teddy was feeling very uncomfortable as he'd managed to burn her poor face. Ambrosia gave her a lovely bath to get rid of the burn smell and filled her with fresh clouds. Her burn was treated with magic flowers from Ambrosia's garden, her coat was brushed anbd brushed until it was all soft, and soon she was feeling her old self again.

Wash and Restuff
A filthy little bvear came to Ambrosia Place for the obvious treatment. He definitely agreed that feeling clean and puffed up after a long stinbt in a bubbly bath followed by fresh stuffing really makes you feel on top of the world again!

Wash and Restuff
Poor Barney dog felt really uncomfortable. He was very dirty, and needed a new nose. He had a lovely time in the bubble tub, and growled happily when he was filled with fresh clouds. Then Ambrosia made him a sweet new nose. He did feel lovely afterwards!

General Repair
Bruno the Bear needed a wash, restuff, new eye and the terrible split in his neck repaired as he felt very scared with his head falling off all of the time. He giggled all the time his fur was being brushed out until it was as soft as a cloud. Doesn't he look handsome?

Wash, Restuff and Patching
Rabbit wasn't feeling too good as he'd been loved almost to bits. Ambrosia soon had him all ready for lots of cuddles again!

Wash and Restuff
Snowy didn't feel as if he deserved his name, so Ambrosia gave him the biggest bubble bath in the world; she followed it with a special cloud-fill.

Partial Covering and New Clothes
Rabbit was very dirty and was also bored with her old clothes. Ambrosia gave her a lovely bath full of bubbles and filled her with sweet, fresh clouds. After that part of the treatment, Ambrosia covered Rabbit's body with new material, and made her a special pinny.

General Repair
Spike the tiger had a few ladders in his base material and also needed a wash. He felt like a little prince after everything had bene fixed.

Wash, Restuff and Partial Re-covering
Benny bear was feeling dirty and wanted some new clothes. He was washed and restuffed with sweet fresh clouds. Then Ambrosia found some lovely material and made him a completely new outfit, including a hat. He felt really lovely again!

Dog Attack
It's not just teddies that suffer at the teeth of dogs! Poor Bert the dragon had literally lost his head after a run-in with an exuberant canine. Ambrosia made him feel all magical again: Bert had a bubble bath and then a brand new head, just like his old one, was made!

Wash and Partial Re-cover
Biffo the tiny bear was feeling very worn out. He was extremely dirty from being cuddled so much, and his lovely rainbow fur was pretty much gone. Ambrosia gave him a lovely wash and covered him in bubbles; then she made him feel like a rainbow again by covering him with strips of soft fleece! He felt wonderfully sweet again!

Wash, Restuff & General Repair
Bonzo was absolutely huge! He needed all of his old, foam stuffing removed - which caused a terrible mess all over Ambrosia Place! - and then to be washed in the huge bath tub. He really enjoyed splashing around. Afterwards, he was restuffed with fresh clouds. He also had lots of ripped seams which seemed to vanish as if by magic. He had a wonderful brushing all over and Ambrosia gave him a new tongue so he could lick his owner again!

Rabbit had been loved so much he had completely disintegrated and there was hardly anything left! Ambrosia made him feel lovely again by giving him a lovely bubble bath, restuffing him with fresh clouds and making a completely new body.

General Repair
Ambrosia loves it when magical creatures come to stay. Unicorn was feeling a bit too grubby to do any magic, so she had a wonderful bubble bath before she was filled with new clouds. After that, Ambrosia made her a beautiful new horn.

Wash and Re-stuff
Bullseye was feeling rather flat and grubby, so Ambrosia gave him the most popular spa treatment at Ambrosia Place: a bubble bath and cloud refill!

Wash, Restuff and Partial Re-covering
Bun-Bun was feeling grubby and worn out. Ambrosia removed her old stuffing, gave her a fantastic bubbly bath in the huge tub at Ambrosia Place and filled her full of fresh clouds. After that, found some lovely soft fleece, and covered her body.

Wash, Restuff and Patch
Rabbit was not feeling very good in the slightest! Her head was coming off and there was a gaping hole in her chest. The bears rushed to her aid. She received the usual play in the bubble-bath tub and was then filled with new clouds. Ambrosia patched up her holes and and soon had her feeling much better.

Complete Re-cover
Panda had been loved so much that he was falling to pieces. Ambrosia and her friends filled him with new clouds so that he was all ready to cuddle, and then covered him completely in brand new fur. He looked absolutely smashing afterwards!

Wash and Restuff
Rabbit had heard about the most popular spa treatment at Ambrosia Place and came along to have a go for herself. Everyone feels fantastic after a wonderful bubble-bath and fresh clouds. A brush makes the spa treatment complete! She could hardly believe the beautiful colour she was underneath all of that dirt and vowed to try adn stay clean.

Complete Re-covering
A little tiny rabbit came to Ambrosia Place in a terrible state. She was extremely old and absolutely filthy, and had rteceived numerous home repairs over the years that had made her feel quite uncomfortable. It was decided that a completely new covering and glass eyes would be best, so Ambrosia found some lovely soft fleece to make rabbit all sweet and fresh again.

Dog Attack
Poor koala, the victim of yet another dog attack, was in a dreadful state when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. Ambrosia and her friends cleaned him up, and made his poorly face and ear better again.

Wash and Restuff
We can't imagine Lady being sufficiently naughty to attack a teddy friend! She just came for a bubble-bath and fresh clouds. Doesn't she look beautiful again?

Wash and Restuff
Being loved seems to make teddy friends very dirty indeed! The berars could hardly believe how dirty their friends can get from being loved and cuddled by their owners. Ambrosia gave teddy and her blanket a lovely go in the huge bath at Ambrosia Place; there were bubbles absolutely eveywhere! Afterwards, she was filled with lovely clean clouds. She'd never felt so fresh and sweet!

Wash and Restuff
Being loved can also make your nose drop off if it is being kissed all the time! Teddy had the full works: he thoroughly enjoyed the bubble bath, and the refill with fresh clouds made him giggle. He was especially pleased with his sweet new nose.

Wash, Restuff and Partial Re-covering
Teddy came along to Ambrosia Place in a bit of a mess. She'd been loved so much she was starting to split and rip. She felt absolutely glorious once she'd been bathed, refilled with clouds, and given a new outfit with matching inner ears!

Wash, Restuff and Linings
Rabbit also needed the bubble-bath and cloud option; she was also treated to matching inner ears and foot pads. Doesn't she look lovely?

Dog Attack
Poor kitty was not feeling very sweet at all after her run-in with a boisterous dog! She was very dirty and smelly, and her poor face had practically vanished. She was washed and given a sweet new face, all ready to be kissed again!

Wash and Restuff
Sometimes even dogs themselves come to Ambrosia Place. This lovely chap wanted a bubble-bath and some new clouds. His face was also rejuvenated!

Wash and Restuff
Poor bear was feeling a bit grubby and extremelt deflated. Ambrosia soon made him feel all sweet again with the usual spa treatment. Teddy was all ready to be cuddled very soon afterwards!

Wash, Restuff and New Pads
This beautiful rabbit was in desperate need of a lovely bath, some fresh clouds and some lovely new patches on her feet. She felt like a little princess afterwards!

New Face
This unusual little chap was an absolute delight to have at Ambrosia Place. He needed a conmpletely new face and the bears did their very best to match the new one as closely as possible to the original, being very careful to match colours as well as shapes and sizes. He felt lovely afterwards.

Dog Attack
Poor elephant had literally been torn limb from limb by a naughty dog. The bears put her back together again as carefully as they could. She felt so much better after a lovely bubble-bath, too!

Dog Attack
Slothy suffered the same plight as all those who come into contact with a dog: he lost his face! The bears rushed to his aid. He had a wonderful time in the bubble bath and was then filled with sweet, fresh clouds. Ambrosia then worked very hard toi make him a completely new face. He loved his new eyes and nose, and couldn't wait for them to be kissed again!

Wash and Restuff
Ambrosia loves it when her famous friends pay a visit. Stitch came to stay at Ambrosia Place after he heard about the amazing bubble-bath option in the spa! He had a wonderful time playing in the bubbles and, afterwards, was filled up with lots of soft, fresh clouds.

Full Re-covering
Teddy was falling to bits after being cuddled so much; much of his original materila was split and ripping at the slightest touch. Ambrosia deemed it best to cover teddy entirely with brand new material so he could be cuddled safely again!

The bears are sometimes was shocked at the state of animal friends who come sto stay. This poor rabbit was in a terrible condition and needed a complete over-haul. The bears worked for days and days before rabbit was finally back in one piece and feelong quite different!

Little Spot came along simply to have some fun in the huge bath! Ambrosia and her friends filled it with as many bubbles as they coudl find, and there was water absolutely everywhere! Spot had a lovely time and came out all clean and shiny.

Poor rabbit had suffered a bad burn on the side of his face. The bears gave him a cuddle and then started to make him feel sweet again. In no time at all, rabbit had a lovely new face and was feeling absolutely wonderful again!

Wash and Restuff
A really long bubble-bath, lots of fresh clouds and a thorough brushing can make all the difference in the world to a teddy who wants to be soft and white again!

Re-stufff and Re-cover
When teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place, his insides were literally falling out - thus the bandage upplied by his distraught owner! He also had a massive hole on the back of his head. Ambrosia sorted that out and then she gave him a lovely wash. Next, he was filled with lots of new stuffing, making sure that it was very secure indeed! She then set about giving him a completely new suit of clothes. He felt extremely proud when he saw himself in his new trousers, new pads all round and a new coat.

Wash and Restuff
Ambrosia always feels espeically happy when her rather grubby firends - who arrive at Ambrosia Place grey - go away sparkly white! Teddy had all of his old, hard stuffing removed. He thoroughly enjoyed the amazing bubble-bath, and giggled when he was filled with lovely clean clouds. His fur was brushed and brushed and he felt really soft after that!

Mouse Attack
Ambrosia has had her fair share of dog attacks, so a mouse attack was quite a new one. Panda had been abandoned in a loft for rather too long and had suffered the inevitable rodent consequence! All of his dirty old stuffing was removed. After a bubble-bath, cloud fill, new torso and patched right arm, Panda felt really happy again.

Wash, Restuff and Full Re-covering
Ambrosia loves it when other animal friends come to stay. Poor Ducky was so grubby and ripped that it as deemed necessary to go for the full bubble-bath and cloud-fill prior to a complete re-cover in lovely new fleece. He did feel smart afterwards!

Wash, Restuff and Patching
This fantastic sheep has been back to Ambrosia Place a couple of times for extra trteatment! Here, he was given the fantastic bubble-bath and cloud-fill before his rips and holes were covered in bright fleece. He is going to be extremely colourful when Ambrosia meets him a few more times!

Wash and Restuff
The bears were delighted when a gorgeous little lamb came to Ambrosia Place. She needed a really thorough dipping, with lots of bubbles, in the huge bath tub! Afterwards, she was filled with fresh clouds, and her clean coat was given the brushing of it slife!

Wash, Restuff and Partial Re-cover
Rabbit had been loved so much that she was literally falling aprt and very thin. The bears decided that a lovely bath and cloud-fill would be an excellent start. Afterards, they covered her bodya nd limbs in the softest pink fleece they could find. They ensured that all of rabbit's original badges and markings were transferred to her new covering.

Wash and Restuff
Tinkerbell the teddy wasn't feeling in the slightest bit magical when she arrived at Ambrosia Place! The bears treated her to the biggest bubble bath in the world, and filled her with masses of fresh clouds. Once her lovely fur was brushed, she looked absolutely beautiful once again.

Full Re-covering
This wonderful bear travelled all the way over from America to come to Ambrosia Place! The bears were fascinated by the tales teddy told them all as Ambrosia covered him completely from ears to toes. he felt wonderful afterwards!

Wash and Partial Re-cover
Rabbit decided that it was time for a completely new look, so she popped over to see Ambrosia. After giving rabbit a lovely bath, Ambrosia covered her hands and feet in the softest fleece, and then covered her body and arms in some gorgeous material supplied by rabbit's owner.

Wash, Restuff and Reconstruction
Poor rabbit was in a dreadful state when she arrived. Her owner decided onm something really drastic and asked that everything except rabbit's head could vanish. Ambrosia washed the little head, and then made a completely new body and ears for rabbit, who was now a totally different being! She felt an awful lot better afterwards!

Wash, Restuff and Pads
The bears couldn't quite believe how dirty this little dog, who was called Wells, was - and they hoped he'd had an awful lot of fun in the process! He was given several bubble baths in the huge bubble tub to bring out his original colour andwas then filled with clean clouds. Finally, Ambrosia gave him new pads all round. He looked utterly transformed and felt absolutely wonderful. The bears held a party to celebrate.

Wash, New Ear and Nose
Somehow, poor teddy had managed to lose just one ear along with her nose! The bears gavrecovery!e her the usual bubble bath and then set to work creating a new ear as similar to her extant one as possible. A new nose completed her

Complete Re-covering
Fritz the Mouse was undoubtedly one of the filthiest creatures that had ever come to Ambrosia Place! He had been so loved the bears were shocked! The only remedy was to wash Fritz thoroughly - several times - and then cover him completely in spotlessly clean white fleece. He looked amazing afterwards. When Fritz left, the bears wondered just how it would take him to revert back to his grubby self again!

Dog Attack
Poor teddy was feeling incredibly bad after suffering a dog attack. His face was a complete mess, and he was absolutely filthy! Ambrosia and her friends set to work, determined to make teddy all well again. He was given an amazing bubble bath and then filled with fresh clouds. His face was fixed by magic, and he was very pleased with his new eye and nose!

Wash and Restuff
Teddy was feeling rather grubby and floppy, so it was the usual big bubble bath abnd cloud fill! Each part of teddy's body was filled with a separate internal bag of clouds to maintain his original charcater; nothing is ever removed or changed unless an owner specifically makes that request!

Wash, Restuff and General Repair
Another white teddy who was feeling less than completely sparkly arrived at Ambrosia Place. He was treated to the bubble bathj and cloiud fill, and then his poor nose was fixed. he felt so much better after his lovely spa treatment!

Wash and Restuff
It isn't always teddies who come for some help; this lovely leopard simoply needed a really lovely bath, some fresh clouds and a good brush. He felt like a prince afterwards!

Full Re-covering
This teddy had been loved so much that he'd lost all of his fur and his under material was starting to wear through. His owners decided that the best thing would be to have him re-covered completely in some lovely, new, strong material. Teddy felt ready to accept millions of cuddles once he was finsihed, original teddy remaining underneath.

Dog Attack
And yet another poor toy suffers at the teeth of a naughty dog. Poor Bananas the monkey had his eyes and face ripped off! He felt dreadful. Ambrosia found some new eyes which were exacly the sam colour and size as his originals; she mended his poorly face, and gave him the usual bath and cloud fill. He was going to use those huge eyes to watch out for dogs in future!

General Repair
Teddy's face had been kissed so much that it had practically worn away! Ambrosia and her friends made a lovely new one, and gave teddy a new nose. He thought he might as well go for the luxury spa treatment and have new pads, too! The bears finshed the transformation off with a lovely external clean anf a brush.

Dog Attack
And yet more victims of dogs arrived! A couple of Snoopy toys had lost their noses, had ripped faces, and were all crispy from dog slobber! They had a massive bubble bath; then Ambrosia fixed their faces and made them new noses.

External Clean and General Repair
Poor teddy wasn't feeling sweet at all. He'd managed to lose his ears during his adventures; his eye had also fallen out and he was extremely dirty. The bears covered him in loads of bubbles and scrubbed until he was sparkly clean; then he had a lovely brush. To finish things off, Ambrosia stitched his ears back on nice and securely and fitted a new eye.

Dog Attack
Poor bunny had been savaged so severely that she'd been deprived of her entire face and her head was ripped to shreds! Ambrosia gave her a sweet bath, and then set about reconstructing what she could of the head, and then making a new face.

Dog Attack
Poor ring teddy also had his face savaged by a naughty dog. It was decided that he might as well go for a complete make-over! After a lovely bubble bath, teddy had his face fixed by Ambrosia and he asked for a new suit to complete his look!

The bears were absolutely delighted when Miss Clown came to stay at Ambrosia Place. She required quite alot of restoration work. New feet, hat, nose and pom-poms were just the beginning! Soon, Miss Clown looked absolutely beautiful again. She made all of the bears laugh and laugh with her antics that night, a night that none of them will forget!

Dog Attack
Poor teddy was not happy in the slightest. A dog attack had left him with no stuffing, not much of a face and a wrecked leg. It was decided that, after a bubble bath and cloud fill, he'd like to be a pirate, so new trousers, complete with buckle, were in order! His right arm had also been ripped off, so Ambrosia very carefully put it back on for him. Ambrosia also made him a new nose and soon he was ready to embark on his nautical adventures!

New Clothes
One of Bagpuss' little mouse friends came to stay and the bears were really happy to see her! She was given a bubble bath and new clouds. After that, her separated and curled fingers and toes were straightened and stitched down. Finally, Ambrosia made her a beautiful new dress; there was even a sweet yellow bow on the back!

Wash, Restuff and Partial Covering
Teddy was feeling really down in the dumps. He was dirty, flat, and was having problems with his right hand and arm. It was decided that, after the inevitable bubbly time in the huge bath tub - followed by a cloud fill - teddy would be partially covered in lovely material supplid by his owner. He felt all strong again and ready for loads of cuddles!

General Repair
Panda arrived at Ambrosia Place really pretty grubby and sad. She was also feeling flat and her right arm had a split which was making her very uncomfortable. The bears covered her in bubbles in the tub, filled her with lots of fresh clouds and gave her a special brushing. Then Ambrosia found some magical flowers in the garden and fixed panda's arm.

General Repair
Jinpei had come all the way over from Japan to stay at Ambrosia Place! She was feeling grubby and flat, her nose had quite literally been kissed off, and her ears were all ragged. She thoroughly enjoyed being covered in bubbles and filled with new clouds. Then Ambrosia made her some sweet new ears, and stitched on a nose that was made to be kissed!

Dog Attack
The bears weren't sure what on earth to do when the next dog-attack victim arrived at Ambrosia Place. Poor teddy was hardly recognisable. After a bubble bath and cloud fill, Ambrosia very carefully reconstructed his head and face, and gave him new facial features. He did feel better afterwards and vowed never to go near a dog ever again!

General Repair
Poor teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place in an absolutely filthy state; heaven knows what he'd been doing with himself! He had several goes in the bubble-bath tub, and then was filled with sweet, clean clouds. Ambrosia gave him a new nose. He couldn't believe it when he saw his lovely new self in the mirror.

General Restoration
The bears were quite shocked when the saw the state that poor rabbit was in. She was literally green with dirt and was falling to pieces! The beas gave her several pplays in the bubbly tub before filling her with fresh clouds. Ambrosia then re-covered her body, arms and legs, and gave her a sweet new nose, and some brand new eyes. Rabbit felt absolutely wonderful afterwards!

General Repair
Poor teddy wa filthy, had bene burned and there was a huge hole in his tummy; he felt pretty awful. The bear sgave him a lovely bubble bath, and then filled his up with sweet clouds. The hole in his tummy was patched and the burn vanished as if by magic. Teddy felt really sweet again.

Full Re-covering
Poor teddy was in such a state that it was decided the best thing would be to re-cover her completely. All o the original teddy remained underneath, but Ambrosia had to give her a new nose and new eyes as part of the complete make-over. Teddy felt absolutely splendid and was all ready and able to withstand loads of cuddles and hugs.

Full Re-covering
This teddy felt exactly the same as the one above, and exactly the same decision was made: teddy had to look special as she was going to a wedding! Teddy was completely re-covered in soft, sherpa fleece, and was given sparkly new eyes and a nbose that looked and felt like melted chocolate! Teddy couldn't wait to go to the wedding now!

General Repair
Poor teddy was literally falling to pieces and felt pretty uncomfortable. The bears gave him a sweet bath and filled him with lovely, new stuffing. He was given a new nose and sparkly, new eyes, and the terrible rip in his leg vanished as if by magic!

General Repair
Poor monkey was absolutely filthy (there was actually dried blood on bits of him!) and felt absolutely dreadful. His right ear had been chewed off and there was also a huge hole in his tummy. The bears rushed to assist. he had several plays in the bubble tub, and was then filled with clean clouds. Ambrosia made him a new, right ear, and patched over the awful hole in his tummy. After the spa treatment, monkey just couldn't believe how good he looked and felt.

Dog Attack
Teddy was yet anohter victim of an over-enthusiastic dog. He'd lost is right eye, most of the stuffing in his head, and his face was ripped to pieces! Dogs always seem to know exactly where to attack. Teddy jumped in the bubble tub without a second thought, adn was happy to be filled with fresh clouds. His was given a new eye and his poorly face was made all better again.

Teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place in a terrible condition; she'd suffered a massive burn all the way down one side of her body and head, and her owners had cut away the burnt edges. Teddy's insides were falling out and she was scared she would soon just fall to bits. Ambrosia very carefully added new stuffing and then patched over the dreadful holes. Teddy needed a new eye and a cuddle to finish everything off! She breathed a huge sigh of relief when she saw herself.

Partial Re-covering
Monkey came to Ambrosia Place as his face, hands and feet were all mis-shapen; he asked if it would be possible to have them restructured and re-covered. Ambrosia said it was no problem at al! Soon, monkey had a lovely new face in polar fleece, and matching hands and feet. His new eyes sparkled with pleasure when he saw himself in the mirror.

General Repair
Teddy was a in a realy bad way when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. His eyes were literaly faling out, and the holes created meant that his stuffing was coming out, too! He also felt extremely frubby. He leapt in to the bubble tub prior to the rest of his treatment. Ambrosia mended the holes around his old eyes and gave him some lovely new ones.

Dog felt as if his personal characteristics had pretty much vanished; he was a shadow of his former self. After a bubble bath and cloud-fill, the bears carefully repainted his eyes and gave him new iunner ears. A new collar finished off the treatment. Dog felt really wonderful, and ran round Ambrosia Place barking like a mad thing because he was so happy!

The bears were utterly shocked at the state of poor panda when he turned up on the doorstep of Ambrosia Place. All of his stuffing had gone, and his outer fur was filthy. He also had a huge rip in his face and was scared there wasn't anything that could be done. But Ambrosia and her friends never give up! After a play in the bubble tub, panda was filled with fresh clouds, and the terrible rip in his face vanished as if by magic. He felt wonderful again.

Wash and Restuff
Dog was pretty grubby when he came to stay at Ambrosia Place. There were also a few rips and tears along his seams that he was hoping could be fixed. Dog leapt inot the bubble bath and splashed around for absolutely agaes before he was dried off and then filed with fresh clouds. Ambrosia then very carefully stitched up the rips and tears, and dog was soon looking as handsome as ever.

General Repair
Poor Snoozum bunny had been loved so much that he was literally falling apart; he was also very grubby. He'd lost quite a lot of his stuffing, and his body material was ripped in several places; his right foot had also pretty much vanished. He jumped in to the bubble tub and had a lovely time in there before he was filled with fresh clouds. Afterwards, Ambrosia very carefully stitched him back together, and gave him a sweet brush. He felt all ready for lots of cuddles again.

General Repair
Teddy arrived feeling pretty bad; he was dirty and floppy, and his right leg was hanging off. The bears knew just what he needed. Teddy jumped in to the bubble bath tub abnd splashed around for ages. After he was dried, he had the brushing of a lifetime and was fiulled with fresh clouds. The ripped leg mended itself as if by magic, but that's what happenes at Ambrosia Place!

Poor teddy had been loved so much that he was starting to fade away. His nose and face had been kissed off, he'd lost his ears, and there were holes and rips everywhere. He also felt extremely dirty anmd floppy. Ambrosia covered him in bubbles in the tub, and then filled him with fresh clouds. She patched over the holes, and made him a new face. At least, teddy could see through clear eyes and smell from a new nose! Finally, there were new ears to finish off the treatment.

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And yet another teddy had been loved so much that he was falling aprt and was full of holes. Teddy was due at a wedding, and desperately needed some asssitance. The bears gave him the usual bath and cloud fill, and thgen set about repairing the huge holes and rips. Teddy felt so much better after his spa treatment at Ambrosia Place.

Dog Attack
Thge bears at Ambrosia Place probably couldn't pay the bills if it weren't for the number of dog-attack repairs that arrive! Teddy had suffered the usual facial and head injuries. After a big bubble bath to wash away all of the dog slobber, teddy was filled with fresh clouds. Ambrosia mended his poorly face, and gave him new eyes and a sweet new nose.

Dog Attack
This was the second time poor monkey had suffered a dog attack and the second time he'd come back to Ambrosia Place for some help. The stuffing from his head was gone - as was his head! He was given a bath and filled with the usual clean clouds, and then Ambrosia began her reconstruction work. A new face later, and monkey was feeling so much better. He was especially pleased with his new hair, and vowed never to go near a dog ever again.

Wash and Restuff
When teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place, he was floppy, filthy and full of degraded foam which felt like sand; he felt extremely uncomfortable. The bears removed all of the nasty foam and let him play around in the huge bath tub for ages so he was lovely and clean. Then he was filled with fresh clouds and his fur was brushed and brushed.

Full Re-covering
Poor Lucky had been to another repair hospital for some help, but the patch he'd received was hurting his tummy. It was decided that the best thing would be to go for a complete re-cover. Ambrosia picked out the softest and fluffiest fur she could find, and covered Lucky from the tips of his ears to the tips of his toes. Lucky didn't want to leave Ambrosia after his treatment was over, and insisted they have a photo taken together. Don't they look sweet?

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Wash and Restuff
This amazing Mr Moo was feeling rather flat. The bears gave him a lovely bath and, this time, filled him full of polyester beads. There was a terrible mess all over Ambrosia Place and they spent ages clearing up afterwards!

Full Restoration
When teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place, he felt absolutyely awful., He was filthy, flat and had lost all of his fur. The bears decided to give him the luxury spa treatment. Teddy enjoyed a bubble bath and cloud fill, and then he was covered in the softest fur they could find: he'd already explained that he'd been pink and blue at the very outset! He felt absolutely splendid afterwards!

Dog Attack
When poor little monkey arrived at Ambrosia Plce, he was feeling pretty bad. A dog had literally ripped him open, he was falling apart, and he'd lost loads of stuffing. The bears leapt to his aid. After a play in the bubbly tub, monkey was fiulled withg fresh clouds, and all of his rips and tears vanished as if by magic!

General Repair
Poor teddy had been on the receiving end of a naughty human's anger, and had been ripped apart; his stuffing was coming out and he felt terrible. The bears gave him a hug, and hekped him get himself back together. They carefully pushed in the escaping clouds, and stitched up the ripped seams. Teddy felt a lot happier afyer his treatment!

Poor Maximus Mouse arrived at Ambrosia Place in a pretty disgusting state; he'd been loved so much he was absolutely filthy and was not happy about it in the slightest! The bears gave him several play-times in the bubble tub and then filled him with the freshest clouds they could find. A small rip on his chest was covered by a sweet heart patch. Maximus vowed never to let himself get so dreadfully dirty ever again!

Full Restoration
Minnie Mouse came to A,mbrosia Place because she felt absolutely awful. She was incredibly filthy and was falling to pieces; she was scared that nothing could be done to help. But Ambrosia never gives up! The bears washed and washed and washed her untiul she felt sweet again, and then they filled her with fresh clouds. They decided the best thing to do was cover her in soft pink fleece, and to make her a matching bow. They made her eyes all better again, too. Minnie felt so much better after her spa treatment.

Dog Attack
This was a really strange request as this damaged bear actually belonged TO a dog! The bears couldn't wait to hel. Bear was given the usual wash and cloud-fill; they also added a few squeakers at the end of each hand and paw! Teddy's torn tummy was also patched up, and he as given a lovely brush. His doggy owner apparently went wild with joy when teddy came home!

Partial Re-covering
Poor teddy had been loved so much that his outer skin was wearing away, and his stuffing was falling out. The bears did the only things possible: a bubble-bath followed by a cloud-fill, and then it was decided teddy would like to be chocolate-coloured! The bears very carefully stiched on a new skin where needed, and gave teddy new eyes and a sweet new nose.

Wash and Restuff
The bears were all thoroughly delighted, if somewhat overwhelmed , when an absolutely huge teddy called Benjamin came to stay at Ambrosia Place. He was so large, he had to stay in the hall for a few minutes beofre room could be made for him! There was much messy fun enjoyed when all of his old, foam stuffing was removed. Benjamin had a wonderful times in the huge bubble-tub, and then he was filled with fresh clouds and brushed. There were several holes and ripped seams that needed seeing to, and Ambrosia did her very best to fix them all!

When cow arrived, she was feeling absolutely terrible. She was filthy, flat and much of her outer skin had been rubbed and kissed away. She really enjoyed being covered in bubbles and scrubbed, and, when she was lovely and dry, the bears filled her with fresh clouds to plump her up. Ambrosia then very carefully covered the requisite areas in lovely black material so that cow felt like a real cow again! She couldn't believe the transformation.

Poor monkey was in an absolutely dreadful state when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. He'd been loved so much that he was literally falling to pieces, and he looked and felt terrible. The bears treated himn to the usual bubble-bath and cloud-fill, and then they really set to work. Monkey's face was completely remade, and he was also given lovely new arms.

Wash and Restuff
This gorgeous teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place feeling extremely deflated; she was filled in places with the worst sort of stuffing: degraded foam. The bears spent ages removing it all, and getting in rather a mess themslves! Teddy then enjoyed alovely bubble-bath and was filled with frersh clouds. A brush brought up her silk fur and she looked beautiful again!

Wash and Restuff
Snoopy arrived in an absolutely awful state. He'd actually been dropped in a pond and was a soaking wet and dreadfully dirty. He felt and smelt horrible. The bears took out all of the sodden filling, and gave him a lovely bubble-bath which lasted several hours. Once Snoopy was feeling quite clean and dry, he was given a wonderful brush and filled with the cleanest clouds ever! He finaly looked and smelt gorgeous once more and vowed never to go swimming again!

Dog Attack
And yet another teddy victim of a dog attack arrived at Ambrosia Place. Poor panda's face was hanging off, and a lot of his stuffing was escaping. The bears decided to go for the luxury spa treatment. Panda's stuffing was removed and he played in the huge bubble tub for a while; then he was dried and brushed until he was all soft again. Ambrosia reconstructed his face and made it look beautiful once more. Finally, he was filled with sweet, fresh clouds. Doesn't he look handsome?

Wash and Restuff
The bears were over the moon when a cow arrived; they were getting very used to bears! The cow was all floppy and needed somne help. The old bean pellets were removed and cow was just as happy in the bubble tub as any other animal. Once he was dry, the bears filled him with jugs-full of polyester beans. They made an asbolutely ghastly mess of Ambrosia Place, and the bears are still finding beads hidden all over the place to this day!

Full Re-covering
The bears were delighted when The Snowman came to stay! He needed quite a bit of help as he'd been loved so much that he was full of holes. The bears decided the best thing would be to cover him completely in sherpa fleece, which looked just like snow! They added new eyes and buttons down his tummy; finally, they made him a brand new hat. He felt lovely!

Wash and New Pads
This gorgeous rabbit came to stay at Ambrosia Place in thje hope of getting some pads and a new scarf. Her owner had sent along the most lovely material to use abd, after having a lovely wash and restuff, rabbit's new pads were stitched on to her feet. The bears had quite a lot of un making her anew scarf, too! She looked and felt so much better afterwards.

Repair and New Clothes
This poor bear was in a right state when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. His left leg was off, he was very dirty, there were various rips and tears, and he had no clothes! After a lovely bath and cloud-fill, the bears set about fixing his porrly leg and mending all of his ripped seams. Then the most exciting bit: the bears managed to make him a lovely new baby-grow out of wonderful material provided by his owner. Teddy felt more than fantastic when he saw himself in the mirror, and Ambrosia was extremely proud of the suit that her friends had made with their paws!

General Repair
Poor penguin was quite literally falling to pieces when he arrived. His face was hanging off, his feet were in tatters, he'd lost one eye and he was really dirty. The bears decided that the best solution - as with most things - was to leap in to the bubbly bath and then be filled with fresh clouds. This was a perfect start. Then Ambrosia made him a new face, gave him new feet, and added new eyes and a sweet new beak. Penguin's feathers were brushed and then he saw himself in the mirror; he couldn't believe the transformation.

Repair and Restuff
Poor elephant had met a terrible fate in a commercial washing-machine; she was ripped in several places and all of her foam stuffing was escaping. She felt awful. The bears gave her a cuddle and then removed all of the foam. Elephant played in the bath for ages and then, when she was dry, she was brushed and filled with beautiful new clouds. Her rips were carefully mended by Ambrosia herself. She vowed never to get in to a washing-machine ever again!

The bears love it when their famous friends come to stay, so a home-made Care Bear was a real treat! Poor Care Bear had been in an attic for the past 25 years and needed quite a bit of help. He was grubby, his arms and legs were ripped, and his nose and muzzle were very sore. The bubbly tub was Care Bear's first port of call, followed by a cloud-fill. Then his poor arms and legs were fixed, and Ambrosia made him a new muzle. New sparkly eyes were added to the same eye holes, and a heart nose made everything just perfect again!

Dog Attack
Poor Rhino. A naughty dog had savaged him so severely that he'd lost both eyes, his left ear and most of both cheeks! The bears rushed to help. Rhino loved splashing around in the bubble tub before his cloud-fill, and then Ambrosia stitched sweet patches over his poorly cheeks. She made him anew left ear and added new eyes. He felt lovely again!

Dog Attack
This tiny dalmation had himself been the victim of a dog attack! He'd lost an ear, his nose, and his leg had a huge rip in the seam. He was also extremely dirty. He had a lovely play in the bubbly tub and was then filled with fresh clouds. Ambrosia carefully stitched up his poorly leg, and then she gave him a new nose to be kissed. Finally, she made him a brand new ear!

Dog Attack
When poor polar bear arrived at Ambrosia Place, no-one could tell what he was; he looked and felt dreadful after being savaged by a dog. He was given a big bubble-bath, and filled with fresh clouds. Ambrosia very slowly reconstructed his face until the bears could see what he looked like originally. Then she added new eyes and a sweet nose. He did feel better!

Full Re-covering
Elephant had been loved so much that her material was wearing through and was very thin; she was scared she would fall apart. Her owners sent some stunning material with her, and Ambrosia used this to cover her. Her original eyes were transferred to her new self, and she was delighted when she saw her reflection.

Poor teddy had been loved so much that he was starting to fall to bits; he was also absolutely filthy. The bears let him have a jolly good play in the bubble tub, and then filled him with fresh clouds. Ambrosia carefully reconstructed his feet and stitched on new blue pads; he also had matching inner ears. He asked if he could possibly have a blue, heart nose, and the bears were more than happy to oblige!

Wash and Restuff
The berars were delighted when a splendid piggy came to stay at Ambrosia Place. She was extremely dirty and had lost her nostrils; her eyes had also started to wear away and she couldn't see properly. Piggy played in the bubbly tub for ages and was then filled with fresh clouds. Ambrosia re-embroidered her nostrils and very carefully re-blacked piggy's eyes. She looked all ready for cuddles once more!

General Repair
And yet another teddy had been loved so much that her original colour had almost vanished, she was floppy, and her inner ears had been worn away from being tickled and stroked. The bears let her play in the bubble tub for ages and, when she was dry, she was brushed and filled with sweet clouds. Ambrosia stitched on new inner ears to complete the spa treatment.

Wash and Restuff
The bears were utterly delighted when Simon the alien parked his space-ship on the front lawn of Ambrosia Place! He'd heard about the wash and restuff spa treatment, and wanted to try it out. He thoroughly enjoyed the bubble bath, and laughed when he was filled with fresh clouds. His eyes were repainted and soon he was all set to zoom back home to his distant planet!

Wash and Restuff
Teddy arrived feeling very grubby and flat. The bears filled the bubble tub, and teddy played for ages. When she was lovely and dry, she was brushed and filled with fresh clouds. A pretty pink bow finshed off her spa treatment.

Full Re-covering
A fantastic and rather large panda came to Ambrosia Place for a complete make-over as he was literally falling to bits. It was decided that the best treatment would be a complete re-covering with brand new fur. Panda thought that was a splendid idea! New stuffing was added where necessary as a preliminary and his rips and tears were stitched. Then the transformation took place. The bears also gave him sparkly new eyes and a good brush. He couldn't believe how handosme he looked!

For some strange reason, there was quite literally a series of panda bears and Snoopy dogs! This tiny chap was absolutely filthy and the bears knew exactly which treatment was required. Snoopy splashed around in the bubble tub for ages and came up sparkling clean!

General Repair
Poor panda was feeling extremely under the weather. He was flat and very dirty, and he'd lost his nose because it had been kissed and kissed. The bears let him have a long play in the bubble tub, and then he was given a very kissable nose! He was brushed and brushed, and then filled with fresh clouds. He looked and felt so much better!

Dog Attack
And another very sad panda came along for some help. He'd been yet another victim of a naughty dog and his face was a mess. He'd lost his nose and mouth, and his eyes were very sore. The bears gave him a long play in the bubble tub, and then he had a lovely brush to bring up his fur. New eyes made him feel better. Ambrosia then added sweet nose and re-embroidered his mouth. He promised never to go near a dog ever again in his life!

Dog Attack
And then a poor Snoopy arrived who'd been a dog-attack victim. His nose was missing, his face was split, and all of his stuffing was coming out; he felt awful. Ambrosia managed to find some material that was a very close match to Snoopy's original face, and then she carefully reconstructed his muzzle and put back in the exploded stuffing. Once a new nose was added, Snoopy looked as if nothing untoward had ever happened!

General Repair
The bears were delighted when a gorgeous rabbit came to stay with them for a while. She was incredibly dirty and needed a little help. She thoroughly enjoyed her time in the bubbly tub, and giggled when she was filled with fresh clouds. Ambroisa put in a new, velvet nose, and tied new ribbons. Rabbit felt absolutely beautiful once again!

General Repair
A sweet, little, pink teddy was the next to stay over at Ambrosia Place. She needed a clean, and for her nose and mouth to be replaced as she'd managed to lose them along the way. The bears gave her a lovely bubble bath and filled her with the usual fresh clouds. Her new nose was just perfect for being kissed, and Ambrosia stitched on a sweet felt tongue.

Poor cat was in a right old mess when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. He was filthy, his left leg was partially gone, and he was covered in holes and tears. The first port of call was the bubble tub; when he was dry, he was brushed and filled with clouds. Ambrosia reconstructed his left leg and patched over the worst areas. A new pink nose topped off cat's transformation.

Full Re-covering
Poor Pooh had been loved so much that he was quite literally falling to pieces. The bears decided that the first thing just had to be the bubble tub followed by a cloud fill. Pooh felt lovely just for that, but then the bears took it further. Pooh was completely covered in the softest fleece! He was given new facial features, and new foot pads, too. He looked and felt wonderful when he saw himself in the mirror.

Partial Re-cover
Another sweet rabbit came to stay. She decided it was time for some new clothes because her old ones were wearing through and her insides were starting to fall out. The ususal bubble bath and cloud fill were then followed by Ambrosia stitching on a new covering with material supplied by her owner. Rabbit asked if she could please have matching inner ears to complete her new look!

Dog Attack
Poor teddy just didn't know quite what to do. He'd been viciously attacked by a naughty dog and had literally exploded. The bears gave him a hug and started work. After he was nice and clean, new clouds were added, and then Ambrosia carefully reconstructed his body. There was so much material missing that she decided a patch would be the best thing. Teddy was so relieved afterwards!

New Nose
Poor JooJoo the bunny had been loved so much that his nose, kissed to bits, had completely vanished! Ambrosia and her friends gave JooJoo a hug and then set to work. Ambrosia found the softest, pink fleeece that she could, and then made JooJoo a sweet new nose. He felt absolutely wonderful afterwards and was all ready for loads more kisses.