Ambrosia's Vintage and Antique Teddy Hospital
There are any number of vintage (dating from the 1950s for teddies) and antique (dating from the 1930s) teddies out there! Many are found in lofts, others have had amazing adventures, and others are being passed down the generations. Due to their age, many bears need to be repaired or restored, and Ambrosia particularly loves this sort of work! She can fix old joints, add growlers amd squeakers, add new pads and eyes, and will always do her very best to maintain the original character of the teddy.
Please have a look at the wonderful vintage and antique bears which have already been treated by Ambrosia and her friends at the hospital. Ambrosia has had friends come to her from all over the world: Canada, France, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, America, Malta and New Zealand!
If you are thinking of sending a beloved teddy or animal to Ambrosia's hospital, please take a look at all of the creatures she and her helpers have managed to make feel an awful lot better! Ambrosia is willing to try to mend ANY well-loved teddy or toy, because there is always something that can be done. Should you want to help a toy you love, please bear these things in mind before you contact Ambrosia:
* the teddy or animal will probably need to stay with Ambrosia at the hospital for anything from a few days to a week or so. Consequently, if a child is unable to sleep without their toy for a night or so, Ambrosia will not be able to help.
* Ambrosia is not a mechanic, so please be aware that she is unable to fit complicated mechanisms that may work eyes etc! She can fit new growlers in to teddies, however. Also, Ambrosia can only work with toys that have a material structure; anything with a solid shell is beyond her healing skills!
* the medicines that Ambrosia uses are very expensive, and the time it takes to make them work can take many hours. The minimum time taken will be two hours just to fix paws; larger injuries can take several hours and even days. Hence, Ambrosia starts her medicine prices at £25, and, when you post your teddy, you will be responsible for the cost of the travel here and then back to you again.
* please note that Ambrosia is unable under any circumstances, due to ethical reasons, to work with real fur, leather, sheepskin, bone or any other slaughter by-products. If bears or toys requiring medical attention are wearing any such products, please ensure they are removed before sending them to Ambrosia; it makes her extremely upset if she is confronted by such things.
* if, for whatever reason, you decide that you do not want your bear or toy back following a repair, or the cost of the medicine is not forthcoming, Ambrosia will wait one month and then either put the bear or toy up for adoption on ebay, or take him or her to a charity shop so that they can stand a chance of finding a forever home.
Please be aware of these conditions before making contact or sending your friend to Ambrosia.
Treatments Available
When vintage and antique bears come to Ambrosia Place, there are usually certain requests that repeatedly crop up! Teddies frequently need new pads, or have lost their limbs; other need complete restorations. New pads come in a variety of colours and materials, and Ambrosia will always do her best to match both where possible.

New Pads
This gorgeous teddy had been loved so much that his hands and feet had worn away from being stroked. Ambrosia gave him some new ones and added a few stitches to his nose as that had been kissed away, too!

Lost Limb and Eyes
It's always very sad when bears arrive in several bits, and very satisfying when they leave in one piece! Poor teddy had managed to lose a leg as well as an eye. Ambrosia put him back together and gave him a lovely wash. Doesn't he look handsome?

New Pads
This gorgeous Chiltern - one of Ambrosia's favourite bears as they have such beautiful faces - came along for a bit of attention. He needed some new pads and a lovely growly voice. He decided he might as well go for the external clean and brush, and felt rather dapper afterward and didn't stop growling with pleasure for ages. When new pads are added, Ambrosia ensures that the original claw patterns are correctly re-embroidered. Here, the typical Chiltern claws were re-done!

Full Restoration
This poor teddy was literally falling to pieces. He was full of holes and some of his material was completely gone so tyhat his inner stuffing was showing! He didn't feel very well in the slightest. Ambrosia and her friends worked and worked until teddy was all in one piece again!

Pads and Face
Poor teddy couldn't see or smell; he'd also been cuddled so much that his hand and foot pads had practically worn away. Ambrosia set to work immediately, and soon teddy was sporting some very smart pads indeed. She also gave him some beuatiful new glass eyes and made his nose all better. Teddy had also managed to lose his voice; Ambrosia ensured it was made all better again!

Wash and Restuff
Vintage Wendy Boston bears are frequently full of degraded foam which feels like sand, and is actually toxic! Ambrosia removes this, gives teddy a bubble bath and then fills them with fresh clouds. Teddy's lovely golden coat was also given a special brush.

Pads and Clean
Teddy came to Ambrosia Place in a bit of a state. His pads were all sore from having been stroked for many years; he had also lost his voice and was feeling a bit grubby. The bears covered him in bubbles and then brushed him until he laughed. He felt extremely handsome when he saw his sweet new self in the mirror afterwards.

It must feel quite uncomfortable if your eyes are falling out! This lovely Chiltern teddy was treated to a full restoration: he needed new stuffing in his tummy as well as a new voice. His eyes were secured, and he was treated to some lovely smart pads. He felt so much ahappier afterwards and wouldn't stop growling with pleasure!

Wash and Restuff
And another Wendy Boston teddy decides to have the wash and cloud-fill! The foam stuffing always makes them feel very uncomfortable as it starts to degrade and feels like sand. Ambrosia managed to remove all of it and teddy's new filling was as soft as anything!

Head and Pads
Poor teddy had quite literally lost his head! He was really large and was having trouble carrying his head around as it was so heavy. Ambrosia re-jointed it and he heaved a huge sigh of relief. Then she gave him lovely new pads; the external clean and brush made everything feel perfect, and teddy went back home feeling incrtedibly happy.

Dog Attack
Teddy was actually going to be a guest at a wedding, but there was no way he could go after he was savaged by an enthusiastic dog. Ambrosia rushed to his aid! She literally had to put poor teddy back together. She was horrified to discover that some parts were actually missing and had been eaten by the naughty dog. A new arm and leg were just the startof teddy's transformation.

Ambrosia loves it when her famous friends come for a spell. After a really thorough bubble-bath (Paddington insisted on going through several times!) and a brush, his coat came up just like new. His lost eye was replaced, and he was given some beautiful new clothes. Paddington certainly looked fabulous after his stay at Ambrosia Place!

Full Re-covering
Willie the poodle was also expected at a wedding. He was falling to pieces and it was decided that he needed to be stuffed and covered completely in lovely soft cuddle fleece! Ambrosia had to stitch him up first to stop his insides from falling out, and then she set to work. Willie had never felt so soft and cuddly in his life afterwards and was actually guest of homour at the wedding!

Clean and Hooves
It's not just bears that come to stay! The bears were delighted when this lovely donkey felt really grubby and his poor hooves were sore. Ambrosia covered him in bubbles until his coat was all clean and then she made his feet feel all sweet once more.

Bears always seem to be losing their limbs! This bear had managed to lose one arm completely and the other had fallen off. His owner said he'd been like this for many years. Ambrosia re-jointed the one and made another!

Teddy needed to be made completely safe for a little baby; he was also in need of general help.His facial features had been worn away, he was rather grubby and his joiunts were all crooked. Ambrosia completely rejointed him and re-embroided his facial features.

Pads and Clean
Teddy was already pretty special when she arrived, but Ambrosia made her feel and look like a little princess with some new pads, a newly embroidered nose and a clean!

Teddy had been on so many fantastic adventures that he'd become rather dirty. And we all know that everyone feels so much better after a bubble bath! Teddy decided to leave the little gap in his nose as he felt it was part of his special character.

Ambrosia rescued Bastion the Chiltern teddy off ebay and completely restored him. All of his nold stuffing was completely removed before he was washed several times. He was filled with sweet clouds and steel shot,was given new pads, and his facial features were re-embroidered. He is available for adoption if you'd like to give him a permanent home!

Poor teddy wasn't feeling very sweet at all. Ambrosia soon had him feeling much better. She patched his wounds, gave him a new voice, and treated him to new pads.

It's always a deep honour when a true piece of teddy history comes to stay at Ambrosia Place. This wonderful Steiff from the very early 20th century, needed the usual help. He felt ready to face another hundered years!

Dog Attack
And yet another bear friend came to Ambrosia Place having suffered at the paws of a naughty dog. Poor teddy had been so badly savaged, that the left side of his head - including an ear - had completely vanished and he was in a terible state. Ambrosia put him back together, added some new clouds where necessary, gave him new pads and a new voice, and made him feel handsome again! Teddy felt so much better after his spa treatment and vowed to stay away from dogs in future.

Poor teddy was so old that he was literally falling to pieces. He was full of holes, he'd lost his voice, his nose had been worn away from being kissed, and his pads had been worn away. Ambrosia did her very best to bring him back to his old handsome self.

Pads and External Clean
Sometimes just the simplest of spa treatments at Ambrosia Place can make a huge difference to how a teddy bear feels. This gorgeous chap was treated to an external clean and brush, and was then given lovely new pads all round!

External Clean and Limbs
This lovely bear, who was made from artists' silk, had actually managed to lose his legs during his many adventures! Ambrosia fixed them back on and gave him a lovely clean and brush; the bears who come always enjoy being covered in bubbles in the huge tub. His coat came up a beautiful gold colour, and he felt on top of the world again!

Teddy's owner was almost in despair and thought there was nothing that could be done to save his best friend. Bur Ambrosia believes that there is always something that can be done to help her friends. Teddy was coimpletely restored: he was restuffed, his voice was replaced, and his holes were patched. He felt as if he'd been given a completely new lease of life.

General Repair
Teddy's owner had wrestled with teddy, quite literally, when he was a child, and wanted his friend to last quite a bit longer. Ted had already gone extensive restoration many years ago, but was in need of further assistance. Ambrosia and her friends patched over weak areas, and covered the many holes. Teddy was also treated to lovely new pads all round!

General Repair
This rather lovely Pedigree bear needed a bit of general work to make him feel special once again. The bears gave him a cuddle adn then Ambrosia set to work. She mended his poorly nose, gave him a new voice which he didn't stop using, and treated him to brnad new pads all round. Most teddies can alter quite significantly as the resutl of an external clean and thorough brushing; teddy was no exception and felt great after his treatment!

Full Re-covering
Teddy had been loved so much that, like many others, he was simply falling apart. It was decided that the best thing would be to gve teddy a completely new oputer covering; the original teddy, apart from the eyes, remained safely underneath! He felt fantastic when he saw himself in the mirror and was ready to face many more years with his best friend.

General Repair
This teddy, a Pedigree, had the largest ears the bears had ever seen! They were wonderful! Teddy had managed to lose an eye during the years, along with his voice. His pads had also worn away and he was worried that his stuffing would start to escape. Ambrosia and her friends did their very best to make him feel better again.

Lost Head and Limbs
This teddy was pretty large, and, during his adventures, had managed to let his head fall off as well as a couple of limbs! Ambrosia helped him put hiimself back together, and also gave him a new voice. To finish off his stay at Ambrosia Place, he had an external clean and brush.

General Restoration
Ambrosia is reluctant to admit it, but she has a particularly soft spot for Chiltern teddies; she just can't resist their sweet faces! This little chap, like many others, needed new pads and a new voice to bring him back to life again. Chiltern claws are also embroiderd in a characteristic pattern, and Ambrosia was careful to follow the original holes.

Lost Limbs
This teddy had been loved and cuddled so much over the years that he'd lost almost everything, including his original facial features. However, his owners had given him others over the years. Teddy had still ended up losing both of his legs; he also needed some sweet new paw and foot pads. He felt so much better after his stay at Ambrosia Place.

Pads and External Clean
Sometimes really large teddy bears come for a spell. This one didn't need much help to return to his originaly handsome state! A lovely clean and brush, and some new pads for his hands and feet, and he felt wonderful again!

Teddy was so sad that he hung his head and cried when he came to stay with Ambrosia and her friends. They all rushed to cuddle him and then began to work their magic. Teddy's bad leg and hand were made all better; he was given lovely new pads, and he could see again! Then there was his voice to put back. He couldn't believe how he looked afterewards.

And another poor bear friend came with a hanging head and wet eyes. He was in desperate need of lots of help. Ambrosia and her friends filled him with more clouds, mended his ravaged arm, and gave him new pads. His nose was re-embroidered and he was given a huge cuddle.

Lost Limb and External Clean
This big bear was absolutely stunning. His owner had rescued him from a charity shop where he had been for many months, and decided that a stay at Ambrosia Place would work wonders! Teddy's arm was secured, and he was given a lovely, external clean and thorough brushing. He felt extremely handsome when he saw himself in the mirror afterwards. Ambrosia and her friends held a huge party to celebrate teddy's renewed handsomeness and his new home!

Eyes and External Clean
Just sometimes, repairs are nice and simple. Teddy poped along to Ambrosia Place for a lovely external clean and brush; this made his fur all soft and fluffy once more. But the worst thing was that he hadn't been able tosee for many years. Ambrosia found a beautiful pair of glass eyes, and soon teddy had his sight back!

General Repair
This teddy came along with his panda friend (below). Teddy's left arm was hanging off, and he felt a bit grubby. The bears covered him in bubbles and made him lovely and sparkly again. His arm healed as if by magic!

Teddy's panda friend needed quite a lot more work. He'd lost his mouth, his pads were a mess and he was feeling quite dirty. The bears covered him in bubbles, too, and he was soon all nice and clean again. Thye gave him smart, new, red pads (he was especially proud of these as they were so unusual), and re-embroidered his sweet mouth.

Dog Attack
Poor teddy's owner was absolutely desperate and thought that the dog attack was the end of his teddy friend. Ambrosia, however, never gives up. The bears gave the destroyed bear a cuddle and then set to work. The re-built his head, and made him some sweet new ears. New eyes were the final bit of magic and teddy was able to go back to his happy owner!

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Pads and General Repairs
This fantastic bear was rather large and had an equally large personality! He needed his ear stitched back on (there were several tales as to how he'd lost it), and some new pads. He'd obviously been loved considerably as his nose had been kissed off, so, along with the other work that needed doing, Ambrosia re-embroidered that, too!

Poor teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place is rather a sad state. His eyes were falling out, he was very floppy, he'd lost huis voice and his pads were all sore. The bears gave him a cuddle and then started to work their magic. Very shortly, teddy was looking as handsome as ever. Everyone had a party on the evening to celebrate teddy's transformation!

This remarkable bear came to Ambrosia's hospital for the usual treatments. His pads and claws were very sore, so Ambrosia sorted those out for him. He'd also lost his voice and his mouth had vansihed from being kissed so much by his loving owner. During his adventures, he'd also managed to lose his right ear! Ambrosia made him a new one. Teddy also decided he'd love an external clean and brush so his fur was all wonderful and soft again. He felt wonderful after his spa treatment.

This beautiful bear belonged to a special lady who had died, and her husband decided to have him restored in her memory. There were quite a few bald patches, teddy had lost one arm and the other was coming off, and his facial features were a buit of a mess. His poor feet were also quite painful, so Ambrosia gave him some really soft pads. The bears gave him an extra loving cuddle and then set to work to make him feel all lovely and sweet again.

New Arm and Pads
Everyone at Ambrosia Place remebers Duke! He was the only bear who contacted Ambrosia all by himself! His left arm was in absolute tatters, so everyone decided the best thing was simply to make him a new one. They al thought that, as he was here, he might as well treat himelf to some lovely new pads on his hands and feet. He did feel handsome afterwards!

Pads and External Clean
Paddington, in his various guises, just keeps on turnig up at Ambrosia Place! This one had managed to ruffle and grub up his fur, and his feet were all riped. Ambrosia gace him a wonderful clean all over and then gave him some lovely new, felt foot pads. He felt really lovely afterwards.

Poor teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place blind and unable to speak or smell because his facial features had been kissed The bears soon gave him his sight back, and added a growl, new nose and mouth. His loving owners had tried to mend his paws and feet, but teddy managed to convey that they were making him very uncomfortable. Ambrosia soon had him feeling sweet again!

Edgar the camel was an amazing find on ebay. Ambrosia rescued him and then treated him to the full works as he was so lovely. A clean, new eyes, and some lovely decorations brought out Edgar's hidden charm. He remains a firm favourite amongst the residents of Ambrosia Place.

This gorgeous little bear from Dorchester stole everyone's hearts because he was so loving, even though he couldn't see, had ahole in his chest and his feet were coming apart. The bears gave him a gentle cuddle and then set about making him feel all comfortable again. His little eyes sparkled like the bears had never seen before.

This gorgeous Wendy Boston was suffering, as always, with degraded foam that was more like cement than anything else! Poor ted just didn't know what to do with himself, espeically as, on top of everything, his muzzle was full of holes and his nbose was woen away from too many kisses. Ambrosia ejected all of the nasty foam, gave teddy a massive bubble bath, filled him with fresh clouds, gave him a new muzzle and embroidered his nose and mouth again! He felt wonderful afterwards!

Lost Limbs and External Clean
Alfie's new owner rescued him from a charity shop; she told Ambrosia that Alfie deserved another chance and asked her if the lovely teddy could put Alfie's legs and head back on, and make him feel sweet again. Ambrosia never refuses aid to a fellow bear, and soon Alfie was looking as han some as ever. Everyone held a huge party to celebrate Alfie's new lease of life and the kindness of his new owner.

And another Wendy Boston came for a spell. This teddy, however, had been very lucky, and his foam was still foam and not sand! Ambrosia gave him a bubble bath, added a few clouds, then gave him a new muzzle and re-embroidered his nose and mouth. Teddy felt better than he had in years!

Facial Repair
Poor teddy's face was in absoluyte tatters when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. He couldn't see or smell, and his muzzle was very uncomfortable. The bears set to work and, with a bit of magic, his muzzle was made all better. Ambrosia found some beautiful, orange, glass eyes in the flowery garden and re-embroidered his nose and mouth. Doesn't he look handsome?

General Repair
Teddy had been cuddled so much and his squeak pressed so often, that he had a hole in his tummy. He was also without much of a nose, and his pads were very sore. Ambrosia put in a new squeaker, covered his tummy hole, re-embroidered his sweet nose, and gave him wonderful, new, chocolate pads all round. He felt so much better afterwards!

The bears were absolutely delighted when a beautifl Farnell teddy came for a luxury spa treatment. He was a shadow of his former self and needed quite a lot of help. He was given some more stuffing and his voice was replaced; Ambrosia found some lovely glass eyes for him, and then set about giving him some lovely new pads - she made sure to stitch his original foot label back on the outside! Then some new claws finished off teddy's transformation!

General Repair
Most teddies and toys always look a million times better once they've had a bubble bath in the huge tub at Ambrosia Place; this bear was no exception! Ambrosia then made sure he returned to his handosme self by re-stitching his mouth, and sewing his poor leg back on.

Wash, Restuff and General Repair
Panda had heard all about the bubble bath experience and came to try it out! He was also filled with fresh clouds, given a brush, and a new eye. He couldn't believe how handsome he looked when he saw himself in the mirror!

Teddy was desperate to surprise his owner for her 50th birthdfay, and so came along to Ambrosia Place to be made handsome once more. His left hand and arm were all ragged and sore, so Ambrosia made them all better. He was given a lovely clean and brush, his voice was restored, and he treated himself to some gleaming pads. The bow was an extra and he hoped his owener would laugh with joy when she saw it!

Teddy arived at Ambrosia Place in a bit of a state! he was blind, he'd lost his voice and nose, and his pads were very sore. The bears gave him a big cuddle and then set about making him feel better. His new glass eyes sparkled when he saw himself in the mirror: his pads were all new, his voice was loud and his new nose meant he could smell the flowers in Ambrosia's garden!

Ambrosia has no idea whay teddy's pads wear out so often; they also seem to lose a lot of stuffing from their legs! This bear was no exception. His left foot needed reconstructing before lovely new pads could be added. He was also given a new voice and an external clean and brush. This always makes bears feel a thousand times better!

Lost Head and New Pads
Poor teddy must certainly have had a special adventure in order to lose his head! He'd also managed to wear out his pads and lose his voice along the way. Ambrosia soon put everything back to rights; his head was re-jointed, new pads appeared - as did a voice - and he had a lovely external clean and brush to finish off his spa treatment.

The bears were particularly pleased with the results of this amazing restoration. A darling bear on a bike was literally falling apart. His bike was cleaned, totally re-painted and given a new string; teddy himself was fully restored. He really was one of a kind!

External Clean and Facial Embroidery
The bears at Ambrosia Place are always pleased when another Chiltern comes to stay; many of Ambrosia's helpers are Chilterns themselves and they love meeting other members of the family! This little sweetheart needed new facial embroidery as his nose and mouth had been kissed off by his owner. He also asked to be covered in bubbles and given a thorough brushing!

Wash, Brush and Embroidery
Wendy Bostons are also fvery frequent visitors to Ambrosia Place. This one, like so many others, needed a play in the bubble-bath tub and a lovely brush. Her nose had also been kissed off, so Ambrosia stitched in the missing threads.

Ambrosia loves a challenge, so anything a bit different always makes her smile. She was delighted when two hobby horses came for a complete make-over. They were cleaned and given lots of new facial features. Ambrosia thought they looked so lovelyafterwards that she awarded them rosettes just for being so special!

Wash and Restuff
This gorgeous little Chiltern was rescued by Ambrosia off ebay. Ambrosia removed all of her dirty filling, gave her a huge bubble bath, and then fille dher with fresh clouds. After she was brushed, her coat seemed to gleam and sparkle. The little bear had absolutely nowhere to go, so Ambrosia asked if she would like to stay at Ambrosia Place for ever and ever. They had a huge party to celebrate!

External clean, New Eyes and New Ears
This bear had enjoyed a pretty amazing adventure of two by the looks of his issues! He was filthy, and had somehow managed to become parted from his eyes and his ears. He also needed a new voice. The bears covered him in bubbles and gave him a lovely scrub; when he was dry, a brush brought up his coat beautifully. New ears, eyes and voice later, he felt like a new bear!

Ambrosia rescued these three friends from ebay. They were falling apart, or had lost eyes, or just needed a bit of love. Once she'd finsihed, they felt fantastic. As with the Chiltern bear above, the three had nowhere to go, so they stayed with Ambrosia and the rest of their new friends at Ambrosia Place. Time for another party!

Harriet the Chiltern teddy was feeling very sorry for himself when he came to stay at Ambrosia Place. He was so sad that he hung his head - he couldn't cry because he didn't have any eyes. The other bears gave him lots of cuddles and then started to work their magic. Harriet was given new pads, new eyes, new embroidery and a new voice. He really couldn't believe how wonderful he felt after his spa treatment!

Full Restoration
When teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place, he'd pretty much given up hope. He was literally deflated, was full of rips and holes and just didn't feel sweet in the slightest. Ambrosia and her friends didn't stop for a ret until teddy felt a lot better. There was stuffing to add, a growler to fetch and lots of stitching to do before teddy sat up and smiled at himself!

Poor Paddington had suffered a terrible accident; he'd come rather too close to a candle and his face was all burnt. He felt really uncomfortable. Ambrosia gave him a cuddle then got to work. She patched his porrly face, and gacve him lovely new eyes and a sweet nose. His coat was cleaned and brushed and, to top it all off, a brand new hat appeared on his head.

Wash and Restuff
It seems the sorry fate of Wendy Boston bears that they suffer from degrading oam; it's toxic and very itchy! Ambrosia put on her mask before she removed all of the dreadful stuff, and then she gave teddy the bggest bubble bath of her life. She was filled with fresh clkouds and her honey coat was brushed and brushed until it was all soft again.

General Repairs
This chubby Chad Valley needed the usual treatments at Ambrosia Place: a new growly voice, some lovely new pads, a bit of embroidery and the external clean and brush-up. He felt wonderful afterwards and ate all of the jelly and ice-cream that was prepared for his 'Goodbye!' party!

Complete Restoration
Ambrosia is alwasy scouring ebay for bear friends that need help; she was aghast when she came across this poor bear and brought her to Ambrosia Place immediately. Teddy had all of her old stuffing removed, and was washed before she was fille dwith new clouds. She was given new pads, new glass eyes and new ears. When Ambrosia had arelly good look at teedy, she realised that teddy was an extremely rare American stick bear from the beginning of the 20th century! They named the bear Jacqui and asked her to stay at Ambrosia Place for ever and ever.

Like so many others, this teddy had started to lose stuffing from his legs. His feet and hands were very sore, he was very grubby and he'd also lost his voice. Ambrosia gave him acuddle and then set to work. Once he'd had a huge bubble bath and brush, teddy was ready for his new pads, new voice and for his leg to be made all better. He felt very handsome once the work was done!

Teddy had been so loved, as with all bears, that he'd sufferd quite a bit1 He'd lost his eyes, his voice, had a hole in his tummy and his pads had been worn away from stroking. Ambrosia found him some lovely glass eyes, gave him a new growl, stitched new pads on to his hands and feet, and fixed his tummy hole. He breathed a huge sigh of relief once he was all back in one piece.

This teddy had been cuddled so much that all of the stuffing in his arms and legs had disappeared. He'd also lost his pads and his voice; his nose had been kissed away. Ambrosia knew exactly how to make him feel better. Soon, he had a sweet growl, new pads, a kissable nose and his arms and legs plumped up as if by magic! He was all ready to be loved again.

This amazing bear had almost forgotten who he was. he was so grubby that his original colour had vanished. His eyes were gone, as were his nose and mouth. He was unable to speak and his pads were all damaged. The bears were wonderfully surprised at the lovely colour he came up after his bubble bath. Then they carried on with the rest of the work. Pads, voice, growl and new facial features had teddy feeling like he hadn't felt in many years!

Once again, it was pads and stuffing that were mainly needed. But this teddy had also had his muzzle rubbed away from kisses and was feeling quite sad about it all. Ambrosia set to work and gavce him a new muzzle. Then she re-embroidered his nose and mouth, gave him a new voice, and made sure that he had lovely new pads.

This bear needed a completeb make-over. His face was hanging off, he didn't like his original eyes, his pads were wearing away and , weel, he was in a terrible state. Ambrosia's friends rushed to help. Soon he had a new face, eyes, nose nad mouth. His voice re-appeared, and Ambrosia very carefully added some sweet new pads. Teddy felt completely different afterwards and very happy about it!

This sweet little deer had been loved so much that her body was literally wearing away and she was scared she would fall apart and be no more. Ambrosia very carefully patched up her side and made sure that her spots re-appeared! The little deer was so relieved.

Most teddies need new pads at some point, and this chap was no exception. He also asked if he could have a go in the huge bubble-bath tub and have a brush! He was given a new voice and lots of other small issues were dealt with so that he looked all handsome again!

This absolutelky massive bear was no different from his smaller friends and he'd also managed to lose both ears along the way1 He had a huge bubble bath and brush; then Ambrosia dealt with all of his pads, gave him a new voice and mad ehim some new ears. Teddy was absolutely amazed when he saw himself in the mirror afterwards.

Poor teddy was blind, dirty and has lost his pads; he did not feel sweet at all. Ambrosia made sure he was all clean and brushed before she started the rest of the work. She foind some lovely glass eyes for him, stitched on some new pads - taking care to transfer his original label - and gave him a new voice. Teddy felt really lovely when it was all done.

This beautiful little cat needed quite a lot of help to get back to her old self. She had a wash and was filled with new clouds. After a brush and new eyes, Ambrosia set about stitching on a sweet new body suit for her. Cat felt more lovely than she had in many years.

Poor golly's owner actually had very little hope that anything could be done, but Ambrosia loves a challenge and never gives up on anything! Golly's purple clothes were hiding quite a bit of the original, so Ambrosia very carefully worked this into the newly made golly. He was washed, given new hair, stuffed where necessary and given new clothes. He was utterly dumbfounded when he saw his transformation! He was set to be loved for many morte years.

General Repair
Teddy was very dirty and literally falling to pieces. Ambrosia gave her a bubble bath and added fresh clouds. Her arm was sewn back omn nice and securely and her voice re-appeared as if by magic. Teddy felt absolutely fantastic!

Here was another amzing teddy and Ambrosia was determined to realise his true potential! She added stuffng where needed and gave him back his voice. He was given new pads and new claws were embroidered. Ambrosia found him some new glass eyes and made him a new ear. Like most bears and toys, he benefited from a lovely play in the huge bubble-tub!

The bears were delighted when another version of Paddington came to stay for a spell. This one had managed to lose his fott pads and foot stuffing, was rather grubby and had been divested of all of his clothes along the way! Paddington thought the bubble bath and brush was really fun; he was even more surprised when his feet were made better as if by magic. And then Ambrosia kitted him out with a whole new outfit including wellies and label. He felt so happy he ate an entire plate of marmalade sandwiches!

Facial Repair
Poor teddy's owner had done the usual: tried to remedy a problem herself and made a right old mess of it! Teddy's face has been filled with glue and there was now way it was coming off. Ambrosia did the only thing possible in such a situation, and made teddy a completely new muzzle. She finished it off by re-embroidering a sweet nose and mouth.

And yet another Chiltern came to stay at Ambrosia Place for the usual spa treatment. Teddy's nose had been kissed off, his tummy was feeling flat and his voice was gobe; he'd also managed to make a mess of his paws and claws. Ambrosia and her friends set to work immediately. Teddy soon had a sweet new nose, voice and padding in his tummy. Ambrosia very carefully stitched on new pads, and re-embroidered hs claws in the typical Chiltern pattern.

Every now and then, a real piece of treasured teddy history turns up. This bear, Lord Teddington, was, Ambrosia believed, one of the very first bears mad ein England: his lead-weighted squeaker and other characteristics placed him around 1912! He'd lost an arm, and his pads had been covered by his owner, but he wanted lovely fresh ones to celebrate his age. Ambrosia and her friends were enthralled by the tales he told about the last century. Lord Teddington looked absolutely splendid once he'd been kitted out in a suitable outfit!

There really wasn't much left of teddy besides his outer skin when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. But Ambrosia, never daunted by a challenge, set to work to bring teddy back to life. He was given a bubble bath and cloud-fill, and then everyone tried to decide what to do next. One bear friend made new ears, while another fitted new eyes and nose. Ambrosia helped by re-embroidering his mouth, and he was finished off with a sweet bow. Teddy was absolutely delighted, and everyone had a party to celebrate!

Teddy was not feeling very sweet at all when he arrived at Ambroisa place. His right arm was tatty, his pads were coming off and his stuffing falling out. He was also droopy and his right leg was hanging off! The bears had quite a lot to do, so they set to work immediately. Teddy was plumped up and his growl made better; his right hand unfurled, his right leg was re-attached, and was he givem very smart new pads all round. He really couldn't believe the transformation!

General Repair
Teddy had managed to lose his eyes and his growl during his life advantues, and so came to Ambrosia Place to be fixed up. It was also decided that teddy would benefit from being covered in bubbles and then having a thorough brushing; Ambrosia also thought that he'd look incredibly handsome with new pads all round, and so that's what she did!

Re-jointing and New Pads
Teddy's head was pretty much destroyed; there was a huge ripped seam and he'd also lost his nose. To make matters worse, his pads were all tatty and hanging off. Ambrosia and her bear frineds set to work right away, and soon teddy's head was back where it needed to be! Ambrosia carefully re-stitched his nose and gave him some lovely new pads.

General Repair
Overt the years, teddy's arms had lost some of their stuffing, and his hands had become ripped and shrivelled; he also had a huge split around the back of his left leg joint, and was scared his leg would fall off completely if something wasn't done very quickly! The bears did their very best to make teddy feel all handsome and happy again. Doesn't he look good?

This was a really wonderful restoration for the bears as teddy had been made many years ago by a man who fell in love with his nurse; he gave her teddy and they were married! But teddy had been loved so much that he was a shadow of his original self, and his owners hoped Ambrosia could turn back time for them all. Teddy's right arm was re-jointed, he was washed and brushed, and the bers stitched on brand new red pads. They even put back the heart that had been on his chest at the the very start!

Poor teddy had managed, like so many others, to lose his head! He arrived at Ambrosia Place feeling very sorry for himself. In no time at all, his head was back on securely and he was given a lovely brush. He was such a sweet little bear that everyone was very sad when he went home.

Poor teddy had been loved so much that his feet were acopmplete mess and leaking stuffing; he'd also managed to lose his eyes and voice, and didn't feel sweet in the slightest. Ambrosia gave him back his voice, and found some lovely new eyes for him in the flowery garden. She restuffed and reconstructed his sore feet, and gave him matching pads all round. He felt really lovely afterwards!

Pads and Clean
Teddy's frequently seem to lose their pads - probbaly from being stroked and kissed by their owners. Teddy's right foot had also started to leak stuffing and he was worried that his entie leg would soon be empty. The bears restuffed and reconstructed his poorly foot, and then gave him the most hadnsome new pads all round. An external clean and brush revealed him for the dapper chap he was!

Wash and Restuff
And yet another Wendy Boston teddy full of the worst sort of stuffing: degraded foam. The bears gave teddy a hug and then took out all of the nasrty filling. Teddy had a splendid time in the bubble tub and,m when he was lovely and dry, he was brushed and filled with the cleanest, freshest clouds. He hadn't felt this good in years and years!

Eyes and Nose
Every once in a while, a nice easy case arrives at Ambrosia Place. This gorgeous teddy asked if he could please have a new nose and some new eyes. Ambrosia found the most beautiful orange pair in the flowery garden, and then embroidered a new nose. Teddy felt lovely again.

Many bears arrive in dreadful conditions from being loved so much - and this was a prime example. Poor teddy had also suffered the terror of home repairs and looked even worse for it. The bears very carefully unpicked the stitches on his feet and reconstructed them; then they stitched on sweet new pads all round. The holes on teddy's face were patched, and he was given sweet, new, glass eyes. He looked completely different after his treatment.

Pads, Nose and Clean
Sometimes, the treatments needed are nice and simplye This teddy just asked if he could have a lovely clean, a new nose and some smart new pads. It didn't take long to have him looking absolutely gorgeous once more. He felt extremely handsome when he saw himself in the mirror afterwards.

Re-jointing and Eyes
There's nothing worse than losing your head -and then losing you eyes as well. Poor teddy was in a right old state when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. The little Chiltern soon became a favourite among the AMbrosia helpers, and before long, his head was back on and moving properly. Ambrosia found some beautiful new glass eyes for him in the flowery garden at the back of Ambrosia Place.

Wash and Restuff
This teddy, like so many others, was full of horrible stuffing which had degraded. He was made of artists' silk and Ambrosia thinks - but she may be wrong! - that he may be Polish from the 1940s. The bears set to work to bring him back to his original glory. They removed the nasty stuffing and gave him a really long bubble bath, then brushed his silken coat. When he was filled with clouds, they all cheered! He looked incredibly handsome and they all had a party to celebrate1

Wash, Restuff and Eyes
Teddy was full of horrible, degraded foam and this made him feel all itchy and unconfortable; he'd also managed to lose his eyes during his adventures. The bears removed the degraded foam - which was like sand - and gave him a really long play in the bubble tub. When he was lovely and dry, they brushed up hi sfur and filled him full of fresh clouds. As a final touch, they added sweet, new, glass eyes. Teddy hadn't looked this good in many years.

Poor teddy was feeling pretty awful when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. He couldn't see, he'd lost stuffing from his feet, his torso was all floppy and his pads had vanished - along with his voice. The bears rushed to help as best they could. Before long, teddy could see again! His tummy was full of new stuffing and a new voice; Ambrosia also restuffed and reconstructed his feet, and added some smart new pads all round. He felt lovely afterwards!

When dog arrived at Ambrosia Place, he was feeling a shadow of his former self. He was dirty, had lost his eyes and nose, and was full of ripped seams and holes. The bears began by cleaning him up and then set about repairing the rest of him. He felt really lovely after his spa treatment!

Sir Honey was resuced off ebay by Ambrosia because he had such a kind face. She completely restored him. All of his old stuffing was removed and then he was washed. She re-filled him with clouds and steel shot and gave him a lovely growl. As he'd managed to lose his ears along the way, she made him new ones and then gave him lovely new paw pads all round. He is still at Ambrosia Place and helps out with the the other patients when they arrive.

When teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place, he wasn't feeling very sweet in the slightest. He'd lost most of his face, there was a huge hole in his torso and his paws were really uncomfortable. Ambrosia reconstructed his face and then re-embroidered a new nose and mouth. The hole on his torso vanished as if by magic, and then handsome new pads appeared! He did feel rather special when he saw himself in the mirror.

Poodle had been loved and cuddled so much that his muzzle had basically disintegrated. The bears gave him alovely clean to start with, and then set about repairing his poorly face. A new muzzle and some embroidery later, he was feeling a whole lot better!

Wash and Restuff
This fantastic Wendy Boston came to stay at Ambrosia Bears just before one Christmas. They decided a play in the bubble tub was in orcder, and then teddy was brushed and brushed until his fur shone and was as soft as it could possibly be. The additional of new clouds and a re-embroidered nose made him feel absolutely marvellous.

General Repair
When teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place, he was in rather astate. His right arm had lost most of its stuffing, his face was a mess, and he'd managed to lose all of his pads and an eye. The bears gave him a jolly good clean and a brush, and then replaced his lost voice and eye. They filled his right arm with new clouds and then gave him splendid new pads all round. He felt really sweet afterwards!

Teddy looked and felt pretty dreadful when he first arrived. Home repairs often cause more damage than the original issue, so the bears first needed to remove the pink gloves before they could see the matter and start work. Teddy was cleaned and brushed, his growl replaced, and then they all set about restoring his poorly hands and feet. This teddy was really one in a million as his original pads had been red! The bears made sure that this characteristic was preserved. He felt gorgeous when he saw himself in the mirror.

Teddy and Bunny were amazing rescues off ebay. They were born in 1918 and have never been apart in all that time! Ambrosia very carefully gave teddy new pads and ears, and made his arms and legs mobile once more. he still had his original, wooden, boot-button eyes! Rabbit never left teddy's side for a single moment during his treatment. Rabbit didn't need any help, but he did ask for a sweet bow. They are still at Ambrosia Place and hope to spend the next 100 years together!

Wash and Restuff
Tibby the Chiltern is also an ebay rescue! He arrived at Ambrosia Place feeling extremely grubby and sticky. The bears removed all of his body stuffing, and he managed to have a bubble-bath despite his excelsior-filled head. He was re-filled with fresh clouds and steel shot, and his gorgeous coat was brushed and brushed until it shonbe. Tibby is still at Ambrosia Place and helps out when other bears friends come to stay.

When teddy arrived he was feeling very sorry for himself. His eyes were hanging off, his hands were all sore and had lost their stuffing, his voice had vanished and his feet were in a mess, too! The bears gave him a cuddle and set to work. Teddy's eyes were secured in the traditional manner, and he was given a new voice. Ambrosia carefully reconstructed his paws and added stuffing elsewhere. Finally, teddy was given some lovely new pads. He felt incredibly handsome afterwards!

Dog Attack
And yet another freadful dog attack. Poor teddy had literally loost a leg and his head was no more. There was only one thing to do: make him a new one! Ambrosia made him the sweetest new head she possibly could, and added glass eyes and embroidered a new nose and mouth. His leg was stitched back on and a few other tears vanished as if by magic. Teddy couldn't believe the transformation!

General Repair
This gorgeous terrier came to stay at Ambrosia Place and promised not to savage anyone while he was there! His leg had been ripped and he was very dirty. He had a lovely clean and brush, and Ambrosia very carefully stitched up his poorly leg. He looked lovely afterwards. The bears stroked him and he licked them back, and no-one was savaged!

This teddy was pretty massive and he took up a lot of space at Ambrosia Place! He needed quite a lot of help, too. The bears gave him a wonderful clean and brush to bring up his fur, and repalced his voice. He also needed a new ear, and Ambrosia made one that was just right. As a final touch, the bears stitched on some lovely new pads so that he was handsome all over.

Facial Repair
Teddy had been kissed and kissed so much that his face had literally fallen apart; there was no stuffing left , and his nose and mouth had completely vanished! Ambrosia very carefully added new clouds to the area and made him a new muzzle. Once that was done, she carefully embroidered a new nose - all ready for more kisses - and a new mouth.

Home Repair Damage
Sometimes, home repairs can cause just as much damage as the original issue. This porr Merrythought Cheeky bear had bene given a patch on the back of his head and right ear, and didn't feel very happy with the result. Ambrosia very carefully removed the patches to see the problem underneath, and then very carefully stitched on patches which were a closer match. Teddy felt an awful lot better afterwards!

Home Repair Damage
This home repair was even worse. Poor teddy had been thrown on to a fire by a naughty boy decades previously, and his owner had done her best to patch up the burs, but teddy looked awful. Ambrosia and her friends reassured teddy that all would soon be well again. They carefully removed the patches and were shocked by the burns underneath. They searched and searche duntiul they found material that blended in with teddy's originbal fur a little more closely, and then set to work covering up the sore areas. Teddy was over the moon when it was all done!

Full Restoration
This poor bear was in a really dreadful condition. He was absolutely filthy, had lost eyes and and ears; the stuffing had vanished from one leg, and his pads were gone or in tatters. Teddy's owners agreed that the most extreme measures were necessary. Teddy was completely gutted and washed thoroughly. When he was dry, he was filled with fresh clouds and given a new voice. Ambrosia carefully reconstructed his right foot, and new pads were stitched on. Becuase he was now nice and clean, it was possible to make out the Merrythought label on his foot, and this was re-stitched on to his new pads. New ears, new eyes and new facial embroidery later, teddy looked completely different! The bears couldn't resist buying him a new jacket as it just seemed to be the final thing needed.

When teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place, he was not feeling very sweet. He'd managed to lose a leg and an eye; his face was sore and his pads were a mess. The bears set to work. Extra tummy clouds and a growl were the first things, and then Ambrosia carefully reconstructed his face and re-embroidered his nose and mouth. New pads completed the new teddy!

External Clean
Sometimes, all you ever really need to feel fantastic again is a really good bath! Paddington had been on so many adventures that he'd become extremely dirty and felt awful. He played for ages in the bubble tub and, when he was dry, the bears brushed and brushed until his fur was soft once more. He felt wonderful once more!

And another Paddington arrived - and he was in an even worse state! He'd lost his foot pads and his leg stuffing was starting to escape. He was also incredibly dirty. His adventures had been so exciting that he'd also misplaced all of his clothes! This Paddington also had a very enjoyable time in the bubble tub and looked lovely when he was dry and brushed. Then he was given wonderful new glass eyes, his legs were re-stuffed, and Ambrosia reconstructed his feet before stitching on lovely, new, felt pads. The bears decided that he couldn't go home naked, so they procured brand new clothes for him - the same colour as his originals. Paddington felt glorious!

When teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place he was ina dreadful state. His face had been kissed so much that there was almost nothing left of it: he'd lost his eyes, nose and mouth. His pads were also extremely uncomfortable. The bears set to work immediately. It was decided that teddy simply needed a new face; Ambrosia made him a gorgeous one and added sparkly glass eyes. She also re-embroidered his nose and mouth ready for more kisses. The home repairs were removed from his hands, and new pads were stitched on all round. Teddy felt absolutely marvellous!

New Head & Full Re-covering
Many years ago, panda's owners had had a new head made for him, but they'd never liked the result. They asked if panda could not only have a completely new head but be completely re-covered as well. The bears set to work. Ambrosia made the sweetest head she could and added gorgeous glass eyes which sparkled with mischief. Then panda was covered in thick, black and white mohair. His owners were absolutely delighted with his transformation.

General Repair
Poor teddy arrived in an awful state. He was filthy and his muzzle had been kissed so many times that it was starting to come away from his face! The bears gave him a long play in the bubble tub and then brushed and brushed him until his fur was as soft as a cloud. Then Ambrosia very carefully reconstructed his muzzle and embroidered a new nose and mouth. Teddy felt so much better!

Poor teddy arrived at Ambrosia Place in quite a state; he was a shadow of his former self, and needed quite extensive work. His face was virtually non-existant! The bears gave him beautiful new eyes (after removing the home-stitched ones), and re-embroidered his nose and mouth. A new voice appeared and he was given new pads all round, the bears being careful, as always, to transfer any original labels.

Wash and Restuff
This beautiful Chiltern was another rescue off ebay. She was extremely grubby and didn't have anywhere to go. The bears removed all of her old stuffing and gave her a wonderful bath in the bubble tub. Then she was dried and brushed, and filled with the softest clouds. Her voice returned as if by magic! She still lives at Ambrosia Place and is never far away from Ambrosia.

Re-jointing and New Pads
Poor teddy had lost his head and wasn't feeling very happy about it in the slightest. The bears re-jointed it for him and then gave him an external clean and brush - which made his fur golden and soft. They also decided to give teddy new pads all round to complete his handsome, new look.

Full Restoration
This wonderful bear was yet another of Ambrosia's ebay rescues. He'd been kept in a garage for a number of years and was absolutely filthy; he even had his original eyes tied round his neck on a piece of string. The bear was completely gutted and then washed and washed in the bubble tub. When he was dried and brushed, the bears couldn't believe how beautiful his silk fur was. They put back his original eyes, gave him a new voice, and Ambrosi stitched on new pads to complete his transformation. Raku still lives at Ambrosia Place and helps out whenever he can!

The bears were delighted when a fantastic turtle came to stay at Ambrosia Place. He'd been used as a foot-stool and was extremely dirty and was starting to fall apart. Everyone decided that the best thing would be to give him a partial re-cover. His owner asked for something flowery - as that was how turtle had been originally! The bears set to work, and soon turtle was looking quite a bit better!

When poor teddy arrived, he didn't feel very good at all. His arms had lost their stuffing, his muzzle had been partially worn away from too many kisses, and all of his pads were wearing thin. The bears set to work. They added clouds to his arms, and patched his sore muzzle, all ready for Ambrosia to re-embroider the nose and mouth. Once he had new pads, he looked like a new bear!

Full Re-covering
A massive mouse arrived at Ambrosia Place for quite a lot of work! She'd lost all of her fur and she herself was starting to fall to pieces. The bears decided the best thing would be to give her a completely new outer skin. The original mouse was tucked away underneath, and, after some stuffing and initial repairs, mouse was covered in the softest fleece in the world. She was given sparkly new eyes and a lovely new nose. She looked incredible!

Poor teddy was feeling extremely sorry for himself when he arrived at Ambrosia Place. His left arm was in tatters, as was his muzzle. He'd lost his voice and his pads were sore. The bears gave him a sweet new growl and made his left arm all better. They patched over his muzzle and Ambrosia did the embroidering honours regards his nose and mouth. They they stitched on some handsome new pads so that teddy felt all splendid once more!

A gorgeous teddy arrived who wasn't feeling too gorgeous. He'd managed to lose an ear, he was feeling grubby, and his pads were starting to split. The bears covered him in bubbles until he was sparkly clean, and then brushed his fur intil it was as soft as it could be. Ambrosia made him a new ear, and very carefully stitched on new pads, remembering to include the sole cards. He did feel lovely when he saw himself in the mirror following his spa treatment.

The bears were thoroughly delighted when this - as they believed - American 'stick' bear came to stay at Ambrosia Place. He was around 100 years old and had many tales to tell while he enjoyed his spa treatment. His arms were made all better, as was his sore muzzle. He was given a new voice and Ambrosia always does the honours with re-embroidering. Teddy was also given sweet new ears which were pushed into his head seams as they had been originaly. Isn't he absolutely tremendous?

Teddy arrived in one of the worst states that the Ambrosia Bears had ever seen. How on earth does a teddy become almost completely disintegrated? The bears rushed to help. Teddy's poor face was patched as carefully as possible, making sure to leave as much of the original nose as posisble. His owners speicifically requested this and wanted to plant more kisses as soon as teddy was feeling better. Teddy was also given sweet new ears, and his tummy was patched. Lastly, Ambrosia re-embroidered his foot claws.

External Clean
This lovely Steiff teddy came to stay, and sinmply needed abit of a clean. Soon, she was coverwd in bubbles and, when they vanished and she was brushed, she looked absolutely beautiful once more. Her owners wanted her pads left exactly as they were.

Full Restoration
This wonderful bear was yet another rescue from ebay. Ambrosia completely guuted him, gave him a huge bubble bath, and then restuffed him with fresh clouds and steel shot. He was given a lovely new growl, and his button eyes were replaced with glass. He was given a lovely brush to bring out his golden fur, and then Ambrosia stitched on handsome new paw pads all round. He was named the Duke of Seville and still lives at Ambrosia Place!

Stuffing and Clean
Sometimes, the simplst of spa treatments can make a huge difference. Poor teddy was feeling extremely floppy and he'd also lost his voice. He was feeling a tad grubby in to the bargain, which wasn't surprising given he was around 80 years old! The bears filled him up where necessary and gave him a lovely growl. His remaining fur was cleaned and brushed to fluff it up. He felt so much better afterwards!

This sweet little bear had, at some point, lost his arm and leg mobility. His owners had stitched them securely to his body as they were afraid of losing them and he just couldn't move; he was really uncomfortable. Ambrosia very carefully removed all of the home stitching and found that the joint areas were all ripped. She carefully fixed those areas and replaced his old joints. Teddy felt absolutely wonderful now he had complete movement back in his arms and legs.

A very sweet, but very shy, little tiger called Gold came to stay at Ambrosia Place for a spell. His poor tail was all worn away and it was rather uncomfortable. Ambrosia very carefully patched the sore area and then magically created new stripes for him! Gold was absolutely delighted with the result and headed off amongst all of the leaves and flowers in the garden!